I want my own drops! )

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If you decided to try to work with your own drops, but don't know how to get drops - this note could be a little useful for you.

There are many different ways to get drops for your needs. Advertising in newspapers, announsments on streets, on job-sites, spam in ICQ, e-mail, another mesengers etc. You can buy traffic also, but you must think before as traffic can be useless as there are too much different offers now.

Drop-finding success depends not only of how much you're lazy but also it depends of your capital. If you don't have enough money - use free hosting, collect e-mails from job-sites and send prepared forms by your hands. To copy and remade any site is also not a problem. If you have enough money and you want to do all with good quality you can make your individual project and better - a couple of it. It's must be contrats and it's would be good if you'll have your own call operator, fax.

But don't be in a hurry to dance when first resumes are coming. Often people send it without any purposes and when you'll write him he may don't understand who you're and what you want. After drop has filled first form you need to do the maximum check for him. Let him fill the contract, send his scanned ID, give to you all contact data which you should check also by calls or through databases (whitepages.com for eample). You can even try to find drop's e-mail in google (sometimes you can meet 'interesting trusted people").

After all checks have done don't start to ship fisrt expencive electronic stuff. Try to order something like chokolate for $20-$100. Usually it's not a problem to card it. And later try something more expencive. Don't forget to think how you'll be pay to drop. If you'll pay him by dirty money you can lost you drop fast. And you can pay him by WU. Thanks god there are a lot of services for it. In this case you drop will serve you for quite a long time. To ny mind best drops is housewives and men after 40 years old.

So try and examine ) Good luck to all!