How to set up and connect donation in 2021 on YouTube, Twitch and VK


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Streamers are kept afloat with the help of three main "logs": affiliate programs, advertising and, of course, donations. Monetary donations from viewers are especially important for those who broadcast live, because with a successful coincidence of donations, you can earn your monthly salary per day.

For streamer fans, this is an opportunity to send thanks, express their dissatisfaction, or ask a question. At the same time, the message will be seen by everyone who watches the broadcast.

What do you need to connect donation
It will not be difficult to connect the donate to the stream. To do this, you need:
1. Select and download one of the streamer programs: OBS, XSplit, WireCast.
2. Pick up and launch one of the services for connecting donations: DonationAlerts, DonatePay.

The quality and stability of the stream depends on the choice of the program. The most popular of them is OBS, so it is on its example that we will consider connecting a donation.

Services for donations As for donation platforms, DonationAlerts is the undisputed leader among them. It is used by most streamers due to its low interest rate, wide settings and capabilities.

But recently, many well-known streamers have started switching to DonatePay due to the arising problems with the delay when withdrawing funds through DonatinAlerts. In the second service, the commission for withdrawing and depositing funds is also 7%, but at the same time technical support works more quickly, and money is withdrawn faster. What exactly to choose - everyone decides for himself, and we will consider connecting donation using both services for YouTube, Twitch and VK.

The first steps
Setting up donations begins with downloading software and connecting to one of the donation services. First of all, we suggest considering where to download and how to install OBS for your computer.

Installing the software
Downloading and installing the program takes no more than 10 minutes. To do this, you need:
1. Go to the OBS official website and choose the appropriate operating system: Windows, MAC or Linux.
2. Choose a place to download the installer and confirm saving.
3. Run the downloaded file as administrator.
4. Go through the standard installation, specifying the location of the program and putting a tick in the "Plugins" item.


5. Wait for the installation to finish and run the program.

Now the program is ready to use and start streaming. Setting up OBS for streaming is a separate topic, so we will omit all the nuances and discuss how to enable donation. The next steps after installing the program are selection and registration for the service.

Registration in DonationAlerts and DonatePay
First of all, let's look at DonationAlerts and how to register in it.

1. Go to the official website of the service and click "Start using".
2. In the window that appears, you need to select the platform where the streams will take place (in the settings you can change or add another one).
3. We connect DonationAlert to your Twitch, YouTube or VK account, giving permission for all requests.
4. In a new window, it remains to enter the username (streamer nickname) to complete the account creation.

This completes the registration, and you can start fully configuring donations through Donation Alerts.
A similar scheme works for registration in DonatePay:
1. Go to the official website of the service and click the "Join" button.
2. We select one of the available platforms and go through the authorization process, as in the case of DonationAlerts.

This concludes the registration. You can voluntarily fill out a profile by providing more information about yourself. But even without this, you will have access to opportunities to connect donation. Which service is the best? This issue is quite controversial, because there is a large number of supporters of both one and the second. Therefore, we recommend trying out both platforms and choosing the one that you like best.

Configuring donation via DonationAlerts
First you need to prepare everything:
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  • Log into your account on the platform.
  • Start OBS.
All streaming platforms that you prefer to use must be connected to the service. To do this, go to the "Basic settings" section and connect the required sites.

Important! We also recommend that you enable SMS confirmation when withdrawing funds in the "General settings" section. This will help to further secure your account.
Now we minimize the program and first set up all the necessary points in the service itself.

DonationAlerts connection
DonationAlerts has a fairly large number of sections that you need to study as you use the service. But to connect donations, you must first master the "Widgets" section. The most important sub-item is "Alerts". It is here that the notification system about the received donation is configured. It is quite easy to create a new alert. To do this, go to the desired section and add a new variation. A special window will open with several subheadings and a number of settings. Let's take a look at how to connect everything correctly.

Basic settings:
1. Enter any name for the variation.
2. Selecting a group for variation.
3. We determine the type of message: subscription, sponsorship, donation (when you connect a donate to VK, you can create an alert for like or repost).
4. We set in the "Conditions of variation" the conditions under which the display of the donation will appear. For example, if you donate for $ 10, this particular picture will pop up.
5. We set the duration of the display of the donation - the time that it will hang on the screen.

1. We select the type of donation display.
2. By default it is better to leave "Image on top, text on bottom".

1. Click on the name of the GIF file.
2. In the window that opens, select a suitable gif for donation or upload your own.

1. Click on the name of the melody (according to the POINT standard - the most optimal melody) and select the appropriate soundtrack or load your own.
2. Using the slider, set the volume of donation wagering.

1. In the header template, we expose the tags in a specific order. After all, it is they who will determine what the first will appear in the donation - the name of the viewer or the amount of the donation (it is best to leave it in a standard form).
2. In the text styles, we select the optimal fonts for the title, where the name and amount of the donation will be indicated, and for the message of the viewer (it is best to make the title and body text in the same style).

In the last subsection "Advanced" you can set the background for the message. But this function is exclusively for amateurs, we do not recommend using it. All that remains is to save our settings and the widget will be ready to use. Any variation can be changed by selecting settings.

In addition to standard alerts, you can also customize statistics, fundraising, media, voting, and a number of other widgets. Of these, the most relevant is Fundraising. It allows you to indicate a clear purpose for which the streamer is raising funds.

It can be configured in 2 minutes:
1. Go to the "Fundraising" section.
2. We select "Add new target for collection".
3. We indicate the purpose of the collection, the required amount and the date of completion.

Now you can freely create a large number of collections or alerts for different donation amounts. It remains only to place links for donation under the stream, and people will be able to donate to you. To do this, go to the "Page for sending messages" and copy the link to the donation.

But for now, all messages will only be displayed in sound and voiced on the stream. In order for the image to be displayed on the screen while streaming, you need to make settings in OBS.

OBS setup
To connect donation, you need to follow only 7 simple steps:
1. We open the program. In the "Source" tab, click on the plus and select "Browser".
2. In the window that appears, change the name to a convenient one and click "OK".
3. We return to your DonationAlerts account in the "Alerts" tab. Click on "Show embed link", which is located opposite each group.
4. Copy the link and paste it in the OBS window that appears, in the line "URL".
5. Click "Ok".

Congratulations, your alert has now been created. Adjust its size with the red square. You can check the performance of your notification by selecting the "Make a test notification" item in the settings of a specific widget.

In the same way, you can insert other widgets, for example, a fundraising indicator. The method is effective for any platform, be it YouTube, Twich or VK. You just need to take into account the specifics of a particular streaming platform and set up an alert for each of them separately.

Donate setup via DonatePay
Donate connection using DonatePay is very similar to the instructions described above, and works in the same way:
1. Create a widget in the "Alerts" section.
2. We connect the new source in OBS using the link to the page.
3. Copy the link that sends viewers to the donation page and paste it under our stream.

At the same time, the settings in OBS are exactly the same as when connecting a donation to DonationAlerts.

DonatePay is a simpler system to use, and also has additional features that are not available in DonationAlerts. For example, you can customize the roulette widget to make your stream more interesting, or you can give viewers the ability to order music using another widget. Overall, DonatePay is very similar to its competitor. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this platform in more detail to learn about all its capabilities and disadvantages. Today this service is preferred by many popular streamers, including: Jove, SAH4R SHOW, Dendi, etc. DonatePay is as easy to use as DonationAlerts, but today it is a more stable and reliable platform for connecting donations.

Connecting a regular donate to the stream will not take much time. In general, the whole process takes about 5-15 minutes, depending on how many widgets you will customize. At the same time, do not forget that you can select pictures, font, text color and other nuances for your notification. In many cases, people donate just to hear a nice melody or watch a funny gif on the stream, so you shouldn't be negligent about this procedure.

By doing everything right, you can connect donations to your stream, as well as provide fans with the opportunity to share messages with other viewers.