How to know if a website got 2d or 3d payment


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Here is a quick summary of difference between 2d and 3d
in a 2D Payment once the customer enters the basic card details and as they proceed, the amount will be deducted from his bank account without any further security authentication.

Whereas, in a 3D Payment, the one who is making the payment needs to enter the Password and OTP before the amount can be deducted from the card holder’s bank account. This enables safety and security.

A New One Time Password is generated and sent with every new transaction enabling a strong authentication process. And the password is only known by the cardholder, as it is issued by his issuing bank or he himself sets a new one.

But anyone know how to see through backside of the website if it has 2d or 3d gateway?


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You can practice with a mastered card. If during payment a window appears to enter OTP (numbers to confirm payment via SMS from the cardholder’s phone), it means the site is 3DS.

It is possible to find out how to find a site where a merchant accepts payments in 2DS or 3DS.
Go to
This site is something of a knowledge base about technology.
If you enter the site you need into the search bar of the site, you will receive complete information about it.
In the E-commerce column you will see the name of the merchant that is used on the site.
Relatively speaking, our site uses cart32; by clicking on the name of the technology, we can view sites that use it. Or if you know the name of the merchant, you can immediately enter it into the search bar and you will be happy.
Details in this topic -
"Search for cardable shops and merchants":

One of the methods for finding shops with the payment system we need.
How to find a store with the kind of merchant we need. For example, the merchant is Shopify, which means we write something like this in Google: “shops on Shopify” and there will be results like: “65 Best Shopify Stores”, etc. Come in, monitor, analyze the popularity of the store, look for the right product and test first for small amounts, and weed out the bad ones.

The method of searching for stores and websites is also described in this topic -
"Find 3D Secure & 2D Secure Website":
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