How to judge tracks seller or not?

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I was going to go into a huge detail on how I've noticed if a dump dealer sucks or not or whether or not to buy off of him.

First or 2nd hand? First of all we have to establish the initiation of knowing if the vendor is a first-hand dump vendor or a 2nd hand dump vendor. This has to be one of the hardest things to figure out since you have no idea if they are lieing or not. This is very important because you want to know details about the dumps and to make sure your dumps aren't deleted on someones hard drive somewhere. A few ways to distinguish between this would be to ask for a bin list. Most of the time though, people will not give there bin lists based of security reasons, which is completely understandable.

While initiating the conversation ask them if they are busy and free to talk. You would ask a question like, "I want this bin, how many of it do you have?".

I gotta say if that answer takes longer than 1 hour, then your pretty much guaranteed to be dealing with a 2nd hand vendor. Or just encountered someone who was really busy when they claimed they weren't......

Where did the dumps come from?

This is a question that would we all like to know. Easily knowing they aren't going to tell us the schematics and technicality of where the dumps were located on a server or what not. The only people that know the true answer, are the firsthand dump vendors themselves. You can easily figure this out by asking, "where did these dumps come from". I could go on and on about answers that you might receive when asking this question. If you are from america though, ready to purchase usa dumps, you can ask. "Where did these dumps come from, as in literally what state was the server located where the database is held."

This question will easily stray off the 2nd hand vendors since they just wont know or they could just staight up lie and say "USA". "On Computer Base", "friend has trojan", etc" You can only imagine the excuses after this question or possibly even being ignored....

If they answer everything right away. You most likely have a firsthand dump vendor or some super leet messaging between the 2 people. You need to be understanding though that they wont tell you a direct city or the name of the organization they found the shit from. They can at least give you a specific region(2 bordering states) besides "USA". Since we all know how flakey USA dumps can be.

Ok, I found out the location of the base now what?

You can easily judge the dumps based off of the location. Say someone's dumps were from New Hampshire because they just hacked some YMCA. If you lived around that area, almost every dump would work for you without even 2nd judging them. The worst that would happen is decline, no more CFA for those big banks such as citibank, capital one, and etc. I've literally traveled to places where the dumps originated from and had some of the best times ever shopping.......

My dump vendor is a doushebag and won't tell me where they came from in a legit manner?

My best answer for you is to only buy a couple and see how they work out for you. If there is a track1 involved, ask for the weirdest name dumps. You can then use whitepage, zabasearch, and realistically have an idea of where the base has came from.

My vendor only deals track2 and still wont tell me where the base is from.

You'll probably never find out where this base is from then..... and I would recommend just continuously buying bins that you know hit hard no matter where you are in the country.

This is the end up my little tutorial that I had time to write because I was bored. I will be adding some other slick shit later on when I feel like it. Donations are always welcomed... lol