How to improve efficiency at a remote location: TOP-5 tips


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Recommendations on transferring employees to telecommuting remain in force in most regions of Ukraine

In Kiev, the lockdown was extended, many regions in Ukraine are in the red zone, which means that the recommendations to transfer employees to remote work remain valid. How to stay productive while working from home? How to diversify working days when it is not possible to change the environment?

Staying at home forces you to find a balance between work and play. And although quarantine restrictions have been periodically increased for more than a year now, it is still difficult to get used to the loss of the previously habitual lifestyle. Below are tips from the specialists of the HR portal on how to renew internal resources and maintain efficiency at a distance.

1. Find the work rhythm that is most comfortable for you.​

Trying to work according to an office schedule will feel like you will get closer to your usual routine. Do not let work interfere with your rest or other activities.

2. Do not neglect the opportunity to play with children (or make time for pets).​

Quarantine made it possible to devote more time to your family and friends, in particular, due to the absence of the need to travel for a long time to the office and to meetings. But often, even when working remotely, we concentrate too much on work issues, sacrificing time dedicated to the family. Pay attention to your family members, so you can maintain internal balance.

In addition, it is precisely communication with children / relatives / loved ones / animals that will allow you to take short breaks and prevent fatigue.

3. Change your usual evening activities.​

Lockdown forces you to abandon the endlessly repeating pattern. Change your evening activities - discover new Youtube channels, take interesting online courses, learn foreign languages, play board or computer games. Do everything that your hands have never been able to do before.

4. Share your achievements with friends, even if they are insignificant.​

This will not only improve your mood, but also allow you to evaluate the effectiveness. Discuss various issues with loved ones - this is not only support, but also an opportunity to get new recommendations. Regular communication with colleagues is also valuable.

5. Take walks.​

New quarantine restrictions allow you to leave the house - take advantage of this and take walks. This is not only good for health, but also allows you to reboot mentally, relieve stress.

Remote work has brought many conveniences to our lives and has become a positive experience for many. However, the path to harmony between work and personal life has become more difficult. We hope the tips above will help you stay productive and in a good mood.