How to find out the bank by card number: a useful life hack


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Have you faced the need to find out the name of the bank that issued the card, having only its number? Read on to find out how you can do this.

How to find out the bank by card number.
In certain situations, it becomes necessary to find out the bank by the number of the card that it issued. And also check if your credit card or debit card. After all, it is very important when traveling abroad to have a personalized credit card with you. This can be done using a special service. After all, if we hold the card in our hands, then all the necessary information is already present on it: number, name of the owner, name of the issuing bank, expiration date. But sometimes it happens that only the number of the payment card is known, to which, for example, you need to make a transfer. And not everyone knows that all other information is encrypted in this number, including about the payment system and the bank.

What hides the card number​

By standards, the number of digits in a bank card number is from 13 to 19. On yours, you will most likely see 16. Do not hesitate, all these numbers are not random. The first digit always indicates the payment system to which the card belongs. For example:
  • 4 - VISA
  • 5 - MasterCard
  • 3 - American Express
  • 9 - Space
This is followed by the numbers indicating the issuing bank, the type of card (credit or debit), and the status of the card (Classic, Gold, Platinum).

How to find out the bank by card number​

The number that serves to identify the bank is called BIN - bank identification number, or Bank Identification Number (BIN). The BIN of a payment card is determined by the first 6 digits of its number.

To determine the bank by card number, you must enter these 6 digits in the BIN database using one of the sites. For example:
As a result, the received information will look like this:


Why recognize the bank by card number?​

It is sometimes necessary to check a card by its BIN number if you need to make a bank transfer or if the card is not accepted for payment (for example, in an online store). Such a situation may arise if the card is defined as foreign in the database. This information will also be useful to those who are going on a trip and plan to book a hotel there or pay for a car rental. In these cases, the credit card may not be accepted for payment, since it is listed in the system as a debit card, and only you and the bank know about the credit limit.

In addition, sometimes you need to determine what level the card is. It looks like it can be Classic or Standard, but in fact it is Gold or Platinum. Why deprive yourself of the benefits that are provided for the holders of these cards?

Advice. If your card turned out to be not what you thought it all the time, it is better to play it safe and get another one, which will not have any "pitfalls". Or at least contact the bank that issued the card. By the way, the search service for the bank that issued the card is also available in English -

Sometimes you need to find out not only the name of the bank that issued the card, but also the name of the owner of the "plastic". How to find out the owner of a Bank card by number - read in our material.