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Leads and lead generation: in simple words about acquisition channels
In business processes, one of the main tasks is attracting customers: someone comes through search, someone through word of mouth, and someone needs to be told about the importance of the product and its benefits in advertising on social networks. But the user does not buy immediately and becomes a client, first he needs to be warmed up and turned into a potential buyer, that is, into a lead. In this article, we will analyze who a lead is, what lead generation is and how to conduct it.

  1. What are leads
  2. What is lead generation
  3. What is lead management
  4. Lead cost
  5. How to generate leads: ways to collect

What are leads
Leads are people who have shown interest in your service or product. In other words, a lead is a potential client who has performed a targeted action: filled out a questionnaire or left a request for a call back.
Through a variety of ways, which we'll discuss below, marketers and sales teams capture the attention of target audiences and convert them into buyers. That is, getting leads is one of the first stages of the sales funnel.
Marketing leads are users who have shown interest through marketing channels and left their contacts. For example, through a callback order form, newsletter subscription, and so on.
Below is an example of a contact form on the Hyundai website to book a test drive.
Lead form example
And here is an example of collecting data using a survey created in Marquiz - answer 5 questions and get a 10% discount. The user left his contacts - name and phone number, and also chose the characteristics of the product that are of interest to him.
Example of collecting data through a questionnaire

Lead classification
  • Cold - people who first heard about the company and your product. They have no need to buy now, but they came to you for some information: get a free guide, read an article or ask a question.
  • Warm - users who know about the organization and have already studied information about your products. They can follow you on social networks or receive a newsletter.
  • Hot - those who are ready to conclude a deal, place an order or make an advance payment.
  • Inappropriate - these are users who could accidentally leave a request. They are not interested in the product because it does not solve their problem. For example, a person called a company that supplies timber in bulk and asked for a price list for retail customers, but the company does not do this.
Example. There is a company that sells household appliances. A hot lead - he saw a product of interest and placed an order, a warm lead - selects a product among several models, and possibly saves money for a specific product. Cold - came to the site for the first time thanks to an advertisement that offers to hand over an old laptop and get a discount on the purchase of a new one. Such a user will leave contacts to find out the details of the promotion.

What is lead generation
Lead generation is the process of collecting leads. This includes identifying interest and stimulating it for further purchase. But lead generation is not only the formation of a potential target audience, but also constant work to increase the client base.
Lead generation means working out communication channels, planning work and calculating efficiency. Before starting this process, you need to study the target audience and create a portrait of the client. Next - understand what the lead generation scheme will be:
Direct - the consumer shows direct demand for the product, that is, he is actively interested in it.
For example, a person searches the Internet for a specific query - "where to buy a microwave oven." Finds several stores and leaves a request for a call back to find out details about the availability of goods and delivery options.
Indirect - demand is generated by the seller, that is, the user does not yet know that he needs your product.
For example, the company has released a new mobile phone model. To attract customers, she conducts presentations, actively works with bloggers to tell them about the product. If the influencer with the target audience is selected correctly, the consumer will definitely pay attention to the product and be interested in it.

It is worth remembering that both direct and indirect lead generation are influenced by the following factors, on which the development of the overall strategy will depend:
  • The complexity of the product. If you have an expensive product or a complex service, and the conclusion of a deal or purchase requires several stages, it is necessary to stir up interest with meetings, webinars or mailings so that the potential client does not forget about you after leaving the application.
  • Time frame for making decisions. A long trade contains many channels and touchpoints.
  • Competitive environment. Follow the actions of competitors, their promotions and offers on the market. If you lose sight of this, you may lose customers.
  • The volume of demand on the Internet. You have a highly specialized product that is not searched for on the web - think about near-topic queries.
  • Methods of purchasing a product. Potential consumers are looking for similar products offline or are not ready to pay for the product right away - consider all options for purchasing goods.
Then move on to the choice of communication channels. It is important to consider where your target audience is and how it searches for products: through search queries, social networks or aggregator sites.
And in order to properly organize and systematize the collection process and understand what leads are in business, let's understand the term "lead management".

What is lead management
Lead management is the work of collecting, processing and grouping leads. The marketer collects primary information about the user, qualifies contacts and analyzes the data obtained in order to build the entire customer journey and understand in what ways he can be stimulated to purchase.
The task of lead management is to keep track of incoming leads and not miss a single request.

There are 4 stages of work in lead management - the whole process is called Lead Time, or the time before the deal:
  1. Capture leads . At this stage, we develop a promotion strategy and form marketing channels.
  2. Enrichment and tracking of leads . We collect additional data about the client, enter it into the CRM system and confirm that this information is needed for segmentation. The example shows lead tracking in Yandex.Metrica - ad clicks , page views and a callback request.
    An example of tracking website visitor actions
  3. Qualification and scoring of leads. At this stage, we qualify the leads: what it will be - either target or inappropriate contact, and also note at what stage the user is in the sales funnel.
  4. Lead nurturing. And here we additionally warm up the leads and bring them to a deal.
Working out the stages helps to allocate finances and correctly build the lead generation process.
Lead management uses a number of metrics to measure performance, such as cost per lead, which we'll look at below.

Lead cost
CPL, or Cost Per Lead, is a metric that shows the cost of attracting one lead.
CPL is calculated to track the effectiveness of marketing channels: each lead received must not only recoup the costs, but also make a profit.
The metric allows you to track targeted user actions and the cost of attracting them. You can study several promotion channels and choose the most effective ones.

The formula for calculating the cost of a lead.
Variables in the formula:
  • Acquisition costs are the costs of marketing channels over a period of time.
  • Number of Leads - The number of potential customers.

How to lower your CPL
For each area of business, a good value per lead will be different. But no matter how small this figure is, you always want to make it even smaller.
How to do it:
  • Replace ineffective channels or connect new ones : contextual advertising, social networks, email campaigns, instant messengers, chat bots, SEO promotion, and so on.
  • Improve the quality of your ad.
  • Strengthen the offer on the site.
  • Optimize the sales funnel and track the customer journey to the completion of the transaction: check delayed conversions - create a newsletter or start remarketing or retargeting.
  • Check the settings of the advertising office : see the cost of keys - select mid-frequency and low-frequency requests, remove duplicates.
  • Increase website conversion - the structure should be logical, buttons and calls to action are clearly visible, feedback forms are clickable and all data comes from them.

How to generate leads: ways to collect
You already know that there are application forms on the site: order goods, register and order a call back. In this section, we'll take a look at additional lead generation channels.

How to collect leads on the site
Set up a pop-up with an offer to leave contacts. The message should contain an interesting offer - monthly promotions, a discount for a subscription, the latest news from the IT world.
An example of a pop-up on a website is a call to subscribe to the newsletter and keep abreast of current promotions.
An example of a pop-up on the site
Create lead forms. For example, on the Glavred website, you can subscribe to a mailing list, in which you will be sent the first chapters from the book “Write, shorten”.
Email marketing automation.
Send a chain of triggered messages of welcome, abandoned cart, reactivation, combining email, SMS and web push within one chain.
Set up triggered mailings
Add a lead magnet. The bonus that is given for the user's contacts is called a lead magne. This can be a checklist for a subscription, a mini-gift for completing a survey, or free access to the service's functions for several days.
An example of using a lead magnet is a quiz on the site, for answers the user will receive a selection of apartments.
Lead magnet example - quiz
Connect the chat. Here is an example of a chat on the site. The dialog box already has three prepared questions that will help the user choose the category of interest.
An example of a connected chat on the site
You can also connect an IM bot, for example, through the service SendPulse. You can set up a multichannel widget on the site and direct the user to social networks to send mailings, communicate with them and warm up for purchases.
Connect analytics services to track user actions in real time. Also on the site, be sure to indicate that you are using cookies.
Below is a screenshot of the webviewer in Yandex.Metrica. It helps to track clicks and transitions, as well as observe the movement of the cursor across the page - this allows you to understand what information users are most likely to stop on.
Webvisor in Yandex.Metrica
And this is an example of a cookie - a user can set their preferences or accept files.

Email newsletter and leads
You already know about email signup lead magnets as a way to generate leads. But besides this, using email newsletters, you can find out other contacts and user data. For example, send him a letter with a request to leave a phone number for consultation from the manager, add social media buttons to the letter so that he can subscribe to you there, and so on.
And based on the collected data, you can send more personalized campaign emails to warm up the subscriber and stimulate him for further purchases.
An example of a hot email offering to buy the full version of ad blocker with a Halloween discount and try other products to protect all devices.
An example of a mailing list
To automate email marketing processes, register with SendPulse: check your contact database for relevance, create bulk email campaigns and analyze the received data.

A selection of articles about email newsletters:
  • "Mailings for B2C",
  • "Sample letters for ecommerce",
  • "What should be in the content of letters",
  • "How to make an email newsletter correctly",
  • "Examples of unusual letter designs."

How to work with contextual advertising for lead generation
Create advertisements in Yandex.Direct and Google Ads: use different formats - banners, text and image ads, video and audio ads, or product selections.
Customize your ads to your target audience: write ads for each segment and create appropriate creatives. The user in the message should see the answer to his request or problem.
An example of a text ad on Yandex search: delivery terms, a large selection of goods, specialist advice and pet categories.

Targeted ads to generate leads
Use advertising accounts in social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. To maintain multiple accounts, you can connect the MyTarget service.
In VKontakte and Facebook there is an advertising format for generating leads - after a short survey, the client leaves his data.
An example of working with a form in your Facebook account. In the settings, select the banner and text, and also fill in the data in the form - questions or immediately a block with contact information.
This format is used on Instagram or Facebook sites.
An example of a form for receiving contacts

How to use SEO promotion to collect leads
Search engine optimization leads to warm customers - this is a delayed result tool. A well-designed SEO site will eventually bring in more and more search customers.
In SEO, it is important to work out the semantic core, cluster queries and check their relevance. Work with optimizing site sections, product pages, and blog articles.

Related articles:
  • "How to raise a site in the search and get leads almost for free",
  • "SEO text: how to write optimized and useful articles"
  • "SEO copywriting - what is it and how it will help to reduce the cost of promotion",
  • "SEO tools that will save you time - selection".

How to work with a chatbot to generate leads
A chatbot is a virtual assistant who is always in touch and does not make the client wait for a response.

Create chatbots for social networks and instant messengers - set up a script that will help you collect information:
  • Invite subscribers to share additional information about themselves.
  • Help find a product or information about you.
  • And also lead the user to checkout.
In SendPulse, you can set up a chat bot for VKontakte, Facebook and Telegram.
Discover the chatbot
Build auto sales funnels and answer user questions using a chatbot on Facebook, VK and Telegram.
Create a chat bot
In the example below, there is a bot that helps with the choice of a pillow and its filling. The bot records the user's contact and transfers the data to the sales department.

In this article, we found out who the leads are and sorted out the lead generation options.

Follow these guidelines to effectively collect and work with leads:
  • Analyze indicators - cost per lead, expense on acquisition channels.
  • Study your target audience - these are your future leads. The examples provided in this article are just a small part of the options for how you can prepare a form or letter to attract a user. Test your ways and improve your efficiency.
  • Work with leads using a 4-step formula: capture, tracking, qualification and scoring, nurturing.
  • Work on offers, USPs and triggers.
  • Write helpful articles and share them with your subscribers.
  • Build chatbots and simplify user interactions with your company.
  • Don't forget about the contacts you have already collected - remind them of the company and the products.
  • Segment leads and analyze data. For each type, you can find your own approach and lead it to sales.