Duelbits crypto casino lost $4.6 million as a result of hacking


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On the night of February 14, hackers attacked the Duelbits cryptocurrency casino and withdrew funds for $4.6 million due to the compromise of the private key. This was reported by CertiK analysts.


Last night @Duelbits was exploited and assets worth ~$4.6m were taken in a possible private key compromise (PKC).

All assets were swapped for ETH which currently sits in EOA 0x0428 pic.twitter.com/MzNqAzBExb
— CertiK Alert (@CertiKAlert) February 14, 2024

According to the researchers, the attackers removed the assets stored on the platform, converted them into ETH and sent them to another address.

According to Cyvers Alert, the hack became possible due to the loss of access to the wallet. The attack affected the Ethereum and BNB Chain networks.

Root cause seems to be loss of wallet access control.
Address already swapped $USDT, $APE, $SHIB to $ETH. Some of the digital assets are bridged from $BNB to $ETH.

We tried to reach the team but no response were given!
Attacker address: https://t.co/nEHiNTfZas

Please reach to…
— Cyvers Alerts (@CyversAlerts) February 13, 2024

Duelbits representatives have not yet responded to the incident, nor have they responded to warnings from cybersecurity companies.

At the same time, Blockaid reported the discovery of a new phishing organized by the Angel Drainer group.

Today our researchers discovered yet another emerging attack vector from the Angel Drainer group — this time phishing users and leading them to a single Safe Vault contract where 128 wallets have been drained of $403k+ so far. All Blockaid-protected users are safe. pic.twitter.com/niffQDlciG
— Blockaid (@blockaid_) February 13, 2024

According to analysts, hackers deployed a smart contract in Safe Vault that steals user funds. 128 wallets have already become victims of the new scheme, with a total loss of approximately $403,000 in cryptocurrency.