Sample DL photo:



Fullz format:
"email": "",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"ssn": ",
"credit_score": 610,
"date_of_birth": "",
"contact_information__phone": "",
"current_address__address1": "",
"current_address__address2": "",
"current_address__zip_code": "",
"current_address__city": "",
"current_address__state": "",
"current_address__dates_of_residence": "",
"current_address__landlord_name": "",
"previous_address_1__address1": "",
"previous_address_1__address2": "",
"previous_address_1__zip_code": "",
"previous_address_1__city": "",
"previous_address_1__state": "",
"previous_address_1__dates_of_residence": "",
"current_employer__organization_name": "",
"current_employer__job_title": "",
"current_employer__start_date": "",
"current_employer__business_address": "",
"current_employer__supervisor_name": "",
"current_employer__supervisor_phone": "",
"current_employer__supervisor_email": ""
"previous_employer__organization_name": "",
"previous_employer__job_title": "",
"previous_employer__start_and_end_date": "",
"previous_employer__business_address": "",
"previous_employer__supervisor_name": "",
"previous_employer__supervisor_phone": "",
"previous_employer__supervisor_email": "",
"salary": "81600",
"other_questions__filed_for_bankruptcy": "",
"other_questions__owned_home": "",
"other_questions__has_been_evicted": "",
"other_questions__is_united_states_veteran": "",
"attachments__pay_stubs": "",
"attachments__letter_of_employment": "",
"attachments__current_bank_statement": "",
"attachments__tax_returns": "",
"attachments__verification_of_additional_income": "",
"attachments__photo_id": "",
"attachments__additional_attachment_1": "",
"attachments__additional_attachment_2": "",
"vehicles__vehicles": "",
"pets__has_pets": "",
"pets__list_pets": ""

In addition, there may be: regulations, offenses, debts (when, where, amount), taxes, job offers, medical statements, etc
CR and additional docks-optional. Always ask Sapa in TG.

All docks are real, no FS. With the original metadata. Substitutions if caught EXP. Leaked documents are not included in the leak database, so fin services will not be so biased.
I will be happy to work through the guarantor. In advance, you must ask about the availability of the necessary material from sap.

Front+back+fulka = from$ 30 (Affects: what is the demand for the staff & k-in stock)
Before+fulka = from$ 14 (Affects: what is the demand for staff & k-in stock)
There are no text boxes. The wholesale price is negotiable.

Payment: BTC, ETH, USDT (TRC/ERC-20)
Telegram: https://t.me/fer11fer


В придачу до этого могут быть: стейтменты, правонарушения, задолженности (когда, где, сумма), такс, джоб офферы, выписки с медикал и т.д.
CR и доп. доки - опционально. Всегда спрашивать сапа в ТГ.

Все доки реальны, никакого ФШ. С оригинальными метаданными. Замены если попались EXP. Слитые документы не стоят в базе утечёк, по этому фин сервисы будут не так предвзяты.
Буду рад работать через гаранта. Предварительно Вы обязанны спросить о наличии необходимого материала у сапа.

Перед+зад+фулка = от 30$ (Влияет: какой спрос на штат & к-во в наличии)
Перед+фулка = от 14$ (Влияет: какой спрос на штат & к-во в наличии)
Текстовых фулок нет. Цена на опт - договорная.

Оплата: BTC, ETH, USDT (TRC/ERC-20)
Telegram: https://t.me/fer11fer