"CC Cycle in nature" or "tesseract of oblivion”


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I read various topics on the forums, realized that people do not quite understand what they buy and how the CC delivery processes occur, which is why there is a lot of swearing, questions, searches for adequate material, and so on, So I decided to write an article, I think many will be interested

1. Suppliers who extract the material themselves:
Material extraction: Costs and difficulties

In the first part of the article, we will look at the most important part of the CC cycle-Material extraction.

Despite the fact that CC materials are considered to be among the cheapest, their extraction is a complex and costly process. Many vendors face the challenge of recouping costs, and to speed up sales, they often prefer to sell material in multiple stores at once. Thus, if the store has big and fast sales, after selling the material in two different stores, the seller almost does not make returns, because the mat, although sold in two hands, is usually still alive. Live but far from valid, It is almost impossible to make a Profit using such obscenities.

Such a reusable sale of material entails its own difficulties. Often, when buyers purchase the same material from different sellers, they encounter a situation where the material has already been checked (the checker shows "live"). However, according to the rules of most stores that have made a purchase, the buyer does not have the right to demand a refund. That is, in fact, the buyer buys an invalid checkmate, but the Checker shows that it is valid and he will not return the money.

Quality problems due to incompetence of miners:

However, it is not only reusable sales that affect the quality of the material. An important aspect is the incompetence of the miners themselves. Often there are cases when miners are able to get but in the soul do not f*ut what to do with the mat and how to use it. Sometimes they even check out the entire volume before putting it up for sale (I've seen such a seller write about it quite openly in a forum thread, and he doesn't even realize what he's doing ). This leads to a loss of validity of the material, and, unfortunately, even experienced miners sometimes do not realize that they are killing the mate. And all the explanations that the checker is something special and does not kill the material, this is all nonsense!

Thus, at the first level of the CC material supply chain, there is often a serious deterioration in the overall product quality caused by multiple sales, inexperience of miners, and incompetent handling of the material.

That is, already at this level, greed and ignorance make the material just numbers, although greed will be at all levels....

2. Resale Suppliers:
Material Repurchase: Between transparency and risk

The second part of our article concerns those who are engaged in rescheduling material. On some forums, we can find sellers who prefer not to contact stores and offer extracted databases in bulk.

It is interesting to note that such sellers, as a rule, offer databases of not very large volume, which may indicate their independent extraction, given the difficulties and costs of this process. In fact, it is very rare to find databases of several thousand maps, not to mention tens of thousands or hundreds when we talk about good quality

In no case do I want to say that all sellers are bad and their quality is bad and so on. Many of them honestly mine and sell the material, maintaining high standards. However, it should be recognized that the number of such honest sellers may not be as large as we would like...

Mining costs and the risk of multiple sales:

The cost of extracting the material remains significant, and given the cheapness of the bases, many resellers prefer to buy them in bulk and sell them to stores at a higher price. This can lead to multiple sales of the material (after all, this is at least a second hand), as well as a situation when outbidders who are not particularly versed in working with the material simply re-check the database and put it up for sale in the store.

All buyers of wholesale databases pursue only one goal, profit, and do not always have sufficient experience working with the material. They can purchase the database, check it out, and put it up for sale in stores without realizing all the subtleties of working with the material. And yes, at this level, too, the bases can be completely re-minted , they can fly to different shops, and so on

Thus, there is already a double risk, the risk that the miner works dishonestly and, for example, sold in several hands, or re-checked the entire base, and the risk that the second hands (outbiddings) did the same…

It is important to note that the databases will still have high validity, but they will be valid for a very short time.

3. Suppliers reselling the material for the third or fifth time:

Outright chaos: resale of mat with valid 5%

The third part of the article reveals the extreme degree of chaos in the CC material supply chain. We often encounter ads or spam mailings from teams offering to buy up material with a validity of at least 3% (Just look at the forums, Pay attention to spam in the toad in the cart). These teams buy huge databases of such material, re-check them and put them in shops, usually in several shops at once . All those bases that are bought by such teams, they have already passed the first and second level as described above, sometimes several times.

Ignoring quality for the sake of quantity...

Taking into account the previous stages of the supply chain, we can only imagine what condition this material is in before it is re-minted and put up for sale. It is important to note that such material is often purchased in huge quantities, bases of several hundred thousand SS are re-checked and put up again in shops.

An interesting fact is that most of this market is held by the Chinese, and it is quite normal to see the ad "we buy material from third or fifth hands" on their special resources. All this chaos is spreading across all shops, and naturally in most cases the checker will show the valid and the shop will not make a refund to you.

Summary of the above, the days when the validity of a material can only be determined by a checker are long gone.

Let's move on.

4. Shops…

You can often see banners or shop ads that say that “we have millions of CVVs, we top up 100k every day...”

What the fuck? I do not want to say that directly all the material is there as in the third paragraph of our article, but it is more than 90%.

This means that it is almost impossible to find good, really good first-hand material among all this.

Given the prices for advertising, development, and maintenance of the shop, it is not difficult to guess that the administration often turns a blind eye to the fact that the material is from the fifth hand, the main thing is that the Checker shows that it is valid… I'll even say more, I won't specify, but I know for sure that some admins of shops merge the mat into other shops, that is, again the material goes in circles and of course it is re-checked several times.

You can just count a little… Suppose the miner gets 200 cards a day, And says that they have 40k cards added every day (I won't even mention those shops where 200k deposits are supposedly added every day), It turns out 200 sellers of 200 CC per day (While not everyone can get 200 CC per day, as a rule 200-300 per month). Yes I agree that there are people who mine a lot more every day but this is rather an exception. 200 sellers? Yes, from my experience, I can say in a shop where there are 200 sellers, 195 of them are sellers from the third point.

Such shops sometimes even ban their sellers. But here is an interesting fact, they usually do not remove the material of these sellers from the sale.....

Why do shops do this? Yes, because there is an opinion that the more material it is based on the above, it was decided to withdraw limbo from the public to fully immerse yourself in Private. close the registration and make it only for invites,the better, the more sales. This is partly true, because people come and search for their own beans. But what good is it that they find them, but they are all re-minted several times and have been in many hands. But the shop needs to cover costs and still earn money.. So after all this, the buyer gets CC, the material from which only Vanga, well, or Copperfield could drive in. This is not to mention those pi * daty carders who first buy, then check in the store, then check somewhere else, then go to drive in and then write in the tickets "return me money for a hu*vy mat". So all these fairy tales about the fact that "carding is dead" or "no longer gives as before" is all just ignorance of the processes that are taking place.

Based on the above, it was decided to withdraw limbo from the public and fully immerse it in private. Starting from the New Year, registration will be available only by invitation. Obscure sellers are not allowed for sale. Sellers will be checked selectively, driving in their material with their hands and not with checkers, if the material does not match the quality, selera will fly to the bathhouse and their mat to the trash.

Yes, there will be much less material and it is already much less, because for the last two weeks we have been hard cleaning sellers. But it is better to have fewer CC cards of higher quality than the claimed millions of cards in other shops that are re-minted and have been in several hands.

Good luck and profit to all.