Carding in clearly 2024


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Hello everyone.

Below I will give an example of how I drive. I will also describe some points that I understood in a couple of months.

Together with you, I will collect all the elements of a successful drive on the go, and we will see what happens in the end.

I must say right away, this was the first attempt to take screenshots. Before that, there was one unsuccessful drive in the same shop, in which I made a fatal mistake, which I decided to correct with this drive, along the way rolling the article.

I will break down all my thoughts into points, and in the end I will put everything together.

1. CC.

I believe that 90% of success depends on the quality of cardboard. Because if you start to beat the dead initially, 90% of your actions after buying CC are completely useless.

I spent a long time sitting on the choicest shit from validss and his ilk. The percentage valid is approximately 20. No more than that. Out of 10 purchased, 4 live, 6 dead. I check in checker. Of those 4 living ones, only one is truly alive. The rest pseudo-live. As a result, one card of 25 bucks approximately gets up.

Now I started buying, 4/4 live. And the prices are nice.

I also want to add about the significance of the material... To be honest, I wouldn't have believed it myself, but it was like this:

"I registered the app on my iPhone, and after purchasing a phone number and receiving SMS messages on them, I had to pay through Google Play to top it up.
A working day lying around, I already pulled out$ 500 from it. I shoved it into Google merch from mobiles, wanted to top it up with 2 bucks. I'll also write back that I knew perfectly well that she couldn't log in at 101%. It was just a test for the Russian Roly-poly fool.

The card has entered. I've never seen anything like this before. Then I tried to shove it, but it didn't work anymore. But the fact is, live material decides.

So the conclusion from the first point can be made as follows: look for a seller with good valid, preferably not a shop, because you can negotiate with a person, and a shop with a pseudo-valid will kill your initial capital in zero.

And so, the CC is purchased

Piter|Parker|40-67 Ithaca Street |Elmhurst|NY|11373|4147XXXXXXXXXXXX|04|26|982 (I changed the CC data slightly so that, well, you understand... I didn't change the address)

2. Configured system + browser.

Configured virtual machine + firefox. WebRTC disabled it. I didn't notice the difference between on and off mode. Neither on the PayPal, not on CC.

I think we won't linger long at this point, we'll go further.


Here everyone personally chooses what to work with.

I use socks5, it suits me.

Before choosing a socks5, I check the address of the holder, for a match ADDRESS|CITY|STATE|ZIP

Make sure that the part of your credit card that you copied to Google is under the card. So that after the city, the city, ZIP code and address are 1 in 1 as on the card.

If the address is the same and the ZIP code is different, this is a problem. Data about the ss is not in order. There can be 2 outcomes:

a. correct zip code/invalid address.

b. invalid zip code/correct address.

b. invalid zip code/invalid address.

Outcome a-trivia. Just enter the ZIP code that matches the address when entering it.

Outcome b - left address, correct zip. You'll get the address right away, although you the card holder's first and last name + ZIP in Google, maybe you'll get lucky.

Outcome b-we require a replacement of the card, because according to USA, without the correct billing address, you will almost not get anywhere (except for any hats like subscriptions).

At this stage, I was confused by the fact that the city did not match. I copied the name of the city to google and made sure everything was ok.

I would like to point out that confidence must be present at every stage.
We can not afford to ignore what I described above, Because if address is left, it is better to postpone this CC or exchange it immediately. Because it is not a fact that it will go in. And we still don't know if she's alive or not. It's like a double thing.

We should not shit ourselves anywhere, checking and passing stage after stage, performing it 100%, without any hack. This is the only way to avoid the ridiculous mistakes that so many people make.

Well, the CC is ready. And it may even be valid. It's time to put on your socks and stomp to Normandy.

I picked up the sock under the golder, including a zip, so that everything was perfect.

I have 3 tabs open in my browser settings:


I use it for quick receipts. If there is a cheto out of order, like a black list, immediately looking for a new Sox. Fast and convenient.

I want to note that the city is not displayed in this screenshot, so I go to the second tab.

Here I can see my ZIP code, city, and double-check the first tab, then smoothly switch to the third one

Then I catch up with my confidence and see that in principle I am a perfect match
the cardholder. Zip to zip. At this point, we move on to the next stage.

4. @Email.

Everyone decides for themselves where to send mail. I run on and I don't care. Orders pass.

I like mail because you can quickly register in it, there are many domains, a la corporate mail. You can also create 10. And no blocking, unlike Google, etc.

I don't know how soaps affect fraud, but I don't really believe it yet. Although I admit such a possibility.

In order to make 10 emails in one, look at the screen:

Moving your eyes down the screen, we see the SETTINGS button, click on it. Then
click ALIAS ADDRESS, in the center of the screen. Enter a new email address, click CREATE
ALIAS ADDRESS and a new soap is created. In the screenshot, I have 3 boxes in one.

5. The next item will be the SHOP.My Alexey has a 10k rating. A popular shop.

Enter and select the product. I will have these gifts, which, if successfully driven in, I will buy for $ 300, and sell for$150.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to warm up the shop by creating an account in advance, and
then, after a couple of days, go in or immediately create and drive in. This is. I also want to note that it is customary to warm shops, picking at them a while, imitating the buyer. Also, a personal choice for everyone. I did not warm up, because I had previously driven $ 100 gift into this shop for the test. A week ago.

In general, the account is registered, the product is selected. I'm going to fill in the KX data:

Here I copy the CC data to the address bar for easy input and start manually entering the data by clicking next and going to payment.

I enter all my credit card details, click CONFIRM ORDER and...

The order passes!

Next, I check my email. Because it may be that the cancellation will come immediately or the gift will drop immediately.

In the mail, I find only that the oroder is in progress. So all that remains is for the operator to confirm our order.

6. Skype/Phone feedback.

Since the order was not confirmed immediately, it means that we are almost a GOP, but we did not jump over it.

When driving in the shop, I indicated the number of my Skype, which I previously bought for $ 5 from the seller. If you need it, I'll give you your contacts. There was$20 in the account. I bought American number under the city of the holder, indicated it in the store's contacts.

This is the most important point, because before that I did everything perfectly. It would be silly to think that the shop wouldn't want to call us. And it will also be stupid not find out whether he did it or not, in the case of a dekline. I.e., if we do not specify valid number, we will not know the reason for the dekline, as such.

I want to note that I entered this number before this order, but the order failed, because the card was dead. I deleted the number from the contacts of the old account, and those deleted all the data from there and checked the shopping cart.

According to my assumptions, the navryatli system has a reconciliation of deleted numbers. Moreover, the order was not entered.

Thus, you don't need to make 100 Skypes, just make 1 and just keep hitting the same city, but in different shops. And if rolls to 1, deleting contacts, then in general a fairy tale. This is just a speculative trick.

On Skype, I record an answering machine and set a timer for its activation in 7 seconds.

I write it down myself. It's better that way than nothing at all.

Hello. This is cardholder name. I'm not home, leave your message after the tone!

It's in the hat. I won't say that I have an emphasis on 5+, but on semi-poker Americosa, it will do quite well, given the quality of zapsi.

It remains to monitor Skype for a call there or email, if the store likes my answering machine.

Basically everything. I'm already tired and I've spent enough time on this article.

In conclusion, I want to say that you should be sure from the very beginning that you have not messed up anywhere. Starting with cardboard and ending with Skype.

This template, if refined, can be 90% successful in mid-range shops, because we have provided almost everything.

P.S. This "scheme", with your permission, can be finalized. I.e if we order a call, and there they ask for data from the fulka, respectively,
punch the fullz on the CC, before buying.

Do not let go of the shop, buy up in it to the end. Before I got to Skype's instructions, there were a couple of orders that have been hanging in. I talked to the chat online, about this, they told me to call the call center. As a result, I messed up Skype.

Improve yourself! Good luck!