Biomodification: VivoKey Identity Ecosystem

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Vivokey Technologies is a Developer of implantable NFC transponders designed to explore the possibilities of human modifications. The company's transceivers use NFC short-range communication technology to provide the device with identification, security, cryptography, and payment applications, allowing users to get more security of the cryptotoken combined with the convenience of biometrics.

NFC, or Near field communication - is a short-range wireless high-frequency communication technology that allows you to exchange data between devices within 10 centimeters without fear of losing data or being intercepted.

Purpose of implant manufacturing

The VivoKey ecosystem is a collection of VivoKey identity services that revolve around you. Our platform connects your VivoKey Digital Identity to third-party websites and services using standardized APIs and secure identity providers such as OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and SAML.

  • OpenID Connect provides a simple identity layer based on the OAuth 2.0 Protocol. OAuth 2.0 defines mechanisms for obtaining and using access tokens to access protected resources, but does not contain standard methods for providing identity information. OpenID Connect implements authentication functions as an extension of the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. this service provides end-user information in the form of an id_token token that identifies the user and provides basic user profile data.
  • OAuth is an open authorization Protocol that allows you to grant a third party limited access to a user's protected resources without having to pass the user's username and password.
  • SAML authentication provides the ability to exchange account data between a trusted identity provider (IdP) and cloud or web applications. The SAML authentication model includes an identity provider that issues 'SAML confirmations'
VivoKey Identity is your secure digital identity, protected cryptobionically. It's YOU who matters, not your account names and passwords.

In General, a goal can be described as a way to create a digital copy of your identity that can't be faked, stolen, or copied.

Installation method

The NFC implant can be installed as standard, but it is performed subcutaneously using a transponder syringe:


As well as using a micro-operation to install VivoKey Flex One [BETA].


It is slightly larger than a standard implant, and more difficult to install.


If you add clarity, the scope looks like this:


In order to make the chip work, you need to download the corresponding application on your Android smartphone:

And scan the installed implant:


The chip is successfully scanned and offers to configure and activate the user profile.


Click "Create Profile" and enter a six-digit code, you need to remember it (save it). it will not be safe to change it later.

After successfully creating the profile, you can proceed to its configuration:


There are many options available for the configuration, but I haven't figured out all of them yet.perhaps later, I'll describe them in more detail if this arouses interest.


Once configured, the chip and profile are ready for use. I will definitely tell you about testing later, in a separate publication.

Negative consequences (possible):
  • Surveillance of the chip carrier (government, massons, templars, martians)
  • Amputation of limbs (any, to choose from)
  • Occurrence of generic curses
If we discard all this nonsense, then I have not felt any negative consequences since the installation, about six months have passed. But I can't recommend the installation of these implants either.