Between need and want: drop everything and read this article


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Between need and want
There are two ways in life: "I must" and "I want". From the very birth we are told what to do. “Should” are the opinions of others about how we should live. These are all the expectations that others place on us. Sometimes these "must" are small: "You need to listen to this song!" In other cases, "should" are other people's thoughts that make us live life in a different way.

By accepting "must", we choose life for someone or something other than ourselves.

We come to the crossroads of "must" and "want" over and over again. And we choose every day - an illustration from the book.

“I want” is who we really are, what we believe in and what we do alone with ourselves in the present. “I want” appears when we cease to correspond to other people's ideals and go towards our own. Only in this case we unleash the potential.

“I want” is the best choice we can make in life.

What do you have now?
The most frequent choice between "must" and "want" we make in relation to work. Or not work? .. For example, an astronaut is a job or a vocation? Let's figure it out.

The writer Thomas Eliot worked at a bank. Kurt Vonnegut was selling cars. Philip Glass, one of the greatest composers of our time, began to make money on his vocation only at the age of 41. Premieres of his works were held at the Metropolitan Opera, and he continued to work as a plumber.

Any work deserves respect. If you only work to pay the bills, that's not a bad thing. And the fact that you want to find your calling does not mean that you need to quit your job. There is no contradiction here.

But it's important to understand that you now are you doing? Is this a job or a calling?

Dream game
Once I came to a party where the guests were asked to write down their wildest and craziest dreams on cards. I listened to people share their wildest dreams. Mine were dull and boring and did not bother me at all. Arriving home, I decided to take them seriously.

I began to pay close attention to my desires and impulses - large and small. Intuition strengthened and allowed to hear a quiet inner voice that asked for something crazy, stupid, dirty, quiet. The more I fed him, the louder he spoke.

Now dream cards were hanging even in the bathroom and over the kitchen sink. Desires fell out of coat pockets and fell into other people's bags. It turns out that the more openly we admit our desires to ourselves, the more consciously we spend our time.

Do the same. Allow yourself to tell yourself (yes) what your heart wants.

We cannot prove the existence of purpose. But we know that it exists, because, approaching it, we feel it with our hearts.

“When we connect to a vocation, we find ourselves in another space,” said artist Keith Haring, “we connect with phenomena of a universal scale, which are completely beyond our ego and self. This is the most important thing."

Believing that your destiny will appear fully formed is akin to believing that you can write a book just by wanting and thinking about it. But if you do one small thing every day - pick up a pen, write a paragraph of text, make a list of words - then your purpose will manifest.

What is the bottom line?
The very meaning of life. And wealth if you need it. The richest people in the world fill their days and nights with priceless gifts of life:

Everything comes to us at the right time. Not earlier. And not later. Imagine that this letter and the story of the book are in front of you because you wanted to read them. And because you have seen this vital crossroads for a long time and are ready to travel.

Back in the book
  • How to know what you really want
  • Four questions everyone should ask themselves
  • How to find time and money for "I want" when there are five children and a mortgage
  • Why destiny eludes us
  • Where to get money for the life that you like
  • How to get rid of false "must"
  • How to deal with fears from the series "I am already 30-40-90 years old ..."
  • Where to find time for what you love
  • How to be truly happy ... and much more.

Your life belongs to you. But only if you yourself are at the helm. Follow the “want” path every day. Ten minutes can be found everywhere. Ten minutes while the kettle is boiling - go ahead! Ten minutes in a traffic jam - go ahead!

What will you choose? Necessary? Want?