$200 million to save your reputation: how Boeing fights ransomware


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In October 2023, Boeing became a victim of the LockBit ransomware program. This week, the company reported that the attackers demanded a ransom of $200 million.

Boeing confirmed to the CyberScoop news portal that it is the "multinational aerospace and defense corporation" referred to in the published indictment of the US Department of Justice. The same thing was confirmed by the leader of LockBit under the pseudonym LockBitSupp

Boeing declined to comment further and referred all questions to the FBI. In turn, the FBI did not provide comments.

Initially, it was assumed that Boeing allegedly did not pay the ransom, and about 43 GB of the company's data was published on the LockBit website in early November. The company then confirmed the existence of "a cyber incident that affected the logistics part of the business, but did not affect flight safety." Boeing has not commented on the data published by the ransomware.

The indictment mentions that Boeing was an example of the "extremely large" ransom demands that LockBit made to its victims, raising more than $500 million. buybacks since the beginning of 2020.

Ransomware analyst Brett Callow suggested that this is the second-largest ransom demand that has become publicly known. Callow also expressed the opinion that LockBit probably had no real reason to expect such an amount to be paid, and the high amount of the claim was most likely an attempt to "see what happens".

Recall that recently, the UK authorities identified the alleged leader of the once largest cybercrime group LockBit, who operated under the pseudonym LockBitSupp. According to law enforcement, it turned out to be a certain Dmitry Khoroshev. Data about the man was obtained after law enforcement agencies at the international level seized the LockBit infrastructure in February of this year. The UK, US and Australian authorities have already imposed a substantial package of sanctions on him.