20 Ways to Drive Traffic and Leads to Your Site: An Overview of Free and Paid Channels


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Finding the perfect combination of different traffic sources that will lead to a sufficient number of hits is not a trivial task. The main difficulty is that each source has a limited audience. You can burn out audiences one after another and end up being "in the desert" - without traffic and without leads.
Therefore, you need to regularly find new sites and learn to work with them in order to get results. In this article, we've rounded up 20 ways to drive traffic to your website. Hopefully this list will inspire you to test new channels that work.
But first, a little theory.

What is traffic and leads
Traffic is an indicator of website traffic; it shows how many users have visited a company's website in a given time.
For commercial sites, visitors are potential customers. They come to the site to find out details about the product and the company, view the catalog, place an order or find contact information: phone number, address, links to social networks. But all this does not oblige them to anything. And here another term appears - "lead".

What is a lead?
A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest in a product or service. He performed a targeted action on the site, so you know his contact details and can contact him.
For an information site (blog, media, directory, etc.), it will be enough just to attract visitors. But traffic is not an end in itself for a commercial site. The main thing is to get leads. Enough to complete the plan.

How to get leads if you've already been able to drive traffic to your site?
If you are the owner of an information portal, skip to the next section.
When you set yourself the goal of "attracting a certain number of leads through the site", you will surely come across another important concept - "conversion". This is what connects traffic and leads.

Conversion is the ratio of users who completed the targeted action on the site and became leads to the total number of site visitors, that is, to traffic .Using this formula, you can calculate the conversion rate of your site to circulation and to a lead. Knowing the conversion rate, you can create an action plan to improve this conversion. At the same time, you need to take into account all the factors that affect the conversion of your site.

Free ways to get traffic
Here you can find channels for attracting traffic, for the work with which you actually do not have to pay. Note, however, that it will take a lot of time or even a separate specialist to implement any of these channels. That is, you cannot do without resources at all.

1. SEO site optimization
The higher your site's position in organic search engine results, the more free conversions you will receive. It is in search engines that you can find users who have already realized the need for a product and are ready to buy right now. Therefore, most of the time and resources are worth spending on promoting product pages. Sometimes even too much.
For example, on the query "construction equipment" in the top of the search results, there are several links to catalogs where you can order equipment. This is a non-commercial request though.
Usually, for such requests, search engines give out informational sites and articles. How many common queries do you recall for which a Wikipedia article will not be in the first place?
It is better to optimize the selling pages of the site for obvious commercial requests, which contain a pronounced user intent, for example, "buy construction equipment". And for informational and general inquiries, create articles and reviews. They can also be optimized to generate organic traffic: just add keywords to text, meta tags, and headlines.
You can also optimize the images on the site.

2. Blog on the company's website
Make publications related to the topic of your business - they help to cover information requests. Articles that answer questions from potential customers also drive free search traffic. But then it needs to be "warmed up" and gradually brought to the purchase.
In addition, links to blog articles can be sent to communities where your target audience is:

3. Communities in social networks and forums
Social media communities are platforms where you can find live potential customers. You just need to find a community that has active users. See how many members are in the community and how many reactions (likes, comments, etc.) the latest posts have collected. If there is no audience in the community and only advertisements are posted there that do not cause any reaction, there is no point in sending anything there.
But if you find a live community in your topic, the link left there to your site can itself become a source of targeted traffic. You can advertise your blog posts if the post doesn't look like an ad and resonates with your audience.
In addition, openly advertising publications can be made in communities on social networks, the main thing is to get the permission of the administrators:
Moreover, it does not always cost money - it all depends on how you agree. For example, you can place advertising publications on a barter basis. The main thing is to discuss advertising publications with the community administration, otherwise you may end up on the black list.
In our list, social networks stand next to forums, because on these sites the content is created by the users themselves. That is, anyone can post anything, if it does not contradict the rules of the site. In the examples above, there is a link to the company's website - even if it does not lead to targeted traffic, it will still be useful.
There is a separate method in SEO-site promotion - crowd marketing. It works like this: if your site is linked to other resources, in the eyes of search engines, it looks like a useful source of information. Namely, such sources are given the first positions in the search results. Usually this method is used to promote the product pages of the site - those that are looking for interested users who are ready to buy right now. And this is the main difficulty: you need to create such a context so that the link looks organic.

4. SMM promotion
Here we are talking about the official pages of the company on different sites. You can build a community around your brand, in which you yourself will be a moderator. No restrictions: article announcements, advertisements, links to the site - as many as you like. As long as your audience is interested in it, you are not limited by anything. Only the rules for using the social network.
Social media offers many formats for interacting with your audience. At the same time, you can see the response to each publication, see the statistics of the community, you can analyze the level of engagement. With the help of content, you can increase the loyalty of an audience that has already subscribed to you, and find a new audience: through recommendations or using hashtags.
Plus, you can sell directly on social media. A user who sees your publications about a product or product cards can write to the group messages, ask all questions and immediately place an order:
Therefore, if you started developing an SMM direction, do not forget that you need to respond to user messages. Ideally, a sales manager should work there. To organize the process most efficiently, there are special services - aggregators of messages from social networks. They collect all requests from potential customers from social networks in one window. For example, the Callibri MultiChat aggregator allows you to work with requests from seven social networks and instant messengers at the same time. At the same time, at the start of work, you still have to launch paid promotional posts in order to attract the first audience. Otherwise, people simply won't know about you - that's how algorithms work.

5. Email newsletters
To start a mailing list, you need a subscriber base. Add a website subscription form or create a social media lead form to collect it. For a small base, free plans are available in email marketing services - that's enough to test the channel.

What to write about?
  • If you have a complex product, create an onboarding newsletter for new clients. Tell us about the capabilities of the product, settings, methods of application.
  • Write useful emails on a topic related to your field of activity, and natively embed your products and cases into the text. Here you can announce new blog posts.
  • Tell us about promotions and discounts. This may interest those who are just looking closely and are thinking about buying, and those who have already bought something from you.
  • Make personal offers, congratulate clients on their birthday and other holidays.
  • Use an email channel for remarketing - set up triggered mailings.

6. Online maps
Add your company information to all geo-services. This is especially true for offline businesses: shops, restaurants, medical centers and other places where you need to go. After all, some customers are looking for goods and services near their location.
But the cards will be useful even for those companies that do not have an offline representative office at all and all employees work remotely. Contact information from the company card is pulled into the snippet in the search results, this makes the company card more noticeable:Remember that online maps can be used to provide feedback and can become the main selection criterion. The search results also display the final rating from the card - it affects the first impression of potential customers. At the same time, there is huge competition, so it is better if the first impression is positive, and not ★ 1,2.

7. Feedback aggregators
These are special platforms where users can find information about the company and find out the rating of customers. The company must be present at the main sites, especially if it operates in a complex area or offers an expensive service.For example, in the medical field, the rating of the organization on the review sites and the brand reputation are key factors of customer trust.
Read also:
"One bad review on the Internet was worth three years of work" - SERM case for a genetic laboratory

8. Classifications and message boards
Platforms for posting ads and driving traffic to the company's website work by analogy with review aggregators. Only here users are not looking for information, but for a specific product.
Companies can register under the guise of individuals and, already in the correspondence, direct the client to the official website. Or create a corporate account and design an online store with branded ads. We have discussed in more detail how this works using the example of Avito.

9. Q&A services
There used to be TheQuestion and Yandex.Connoisseurs, now they have moved to Yandex.Q. And there are only two large resources left where you can get an answer to your question:
  • Yandex.Q,
  • Answers on any sites
Both services offer dedicated tools and business opportunities:You can create a branded page and answer user questions on behalf of the company. So people with similar interests will notice your answer and remember that you are an expert on the subject. There is even a scenario in which the company uses the site only for answering user questions, that is, for technical support. But this is only relevant for big brands.
Another option is to work with Q&A services as with forums: answer users' questions and attach a link to the answer. You can even specifically ask questions for a ready-made answer, so that it looks organic. But we didn't tell you that ?
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10. Articles in guest blogs
Guest posting / blogging is the publication of your content on popular blogs with a link to your resource. Unlike native ads (which can only be paid for), you don't have to pay for guest posts. You just need to spend time, create and agree on material that will be useful to the audience of the resource.
Look for the terms of publication on the official sites of the sites of interest or contact their editors directly. By the way, you can publish your article on the Callibri blog too.

You can also register for Pressfeed. This is a special platform where experts answer journalists' inquiries:
Requests can be of three types:
  • Texture. This means that the author is looking for expert commentary to add to their material. This may not give a link to the site, but the mention of the company will definitely be put - this is good for the reputation on the network.
  • Barter. This type of query is used when you need a product for a review. For example, like this:In this case, you will receive direct advertising in the article / video.
  • Texts. It's simple - you need a ready-made article. Typically, the requestor proposes a topic and details the plan. The article will be published on your behalf, with a link to your resource.

11. Become an information partner of an industry event
An information partner is an assistant in attracting a target audience to an event. He announces the event on his newsletters and social networks. And in exchange, he receives a logo on the event website and the opportunity to add his proposal to the mailing list for all conference participants. It turns out a mutual exchange.Imagine a large event that interests your target audience. If several companies become information partners, all of them will be able to reach the general audience for free, a part of which each of them brought.
For a partnership to be long-term, you must not only endure benefits for yourself, but also benefit others. The organizer knows how many registrations each media partner brought. And if there were no registrations from you, you are unlikely to be able to take part again.

12. Tops and ratings
Potential clients who have realized the need, but have not yet decided on the choice, compare different options with each other. They are looking for collections on the topic. If you manage to get into the rating published by a reputable source, you can get new clients.
Of course, you can believe that all ratings are objective, or you can write to the site editor and agree to add your product to the existing material. This method of promotion is on the verge between free and paid channels for driving traffic, so we talk about it at the end.
Often, editors of large sites, whose ratings are well optimized, ask for payment for mentioning your product in an article. You can even order a review where your product is guaranteed to come first. It is up to you to decide whether to do this or not. Let's just note that participation in ratings, like other methods of driving traffic through content, will not bring an instant effect. But in the long term, you can get new clients.

13. Advertising with bloggers
In terms of cost, this type of promotion is similar to the previous one - you can conduct an advertising campaign with a well-known informationalist and pay him hundreds of thousands of rubles. And you can get a free honest review and product mention.

For example, cosmetics manufacturers send their new products to beauty bloggers in whole boxes. Beauty brands also invite bloggers to their events and presentations to tell their audience about it. Such mentions are more truthful and more credible to the audience.If you choose this model of cooperation with bloggers, you need to be careful and comply with obligations. Because if a blogger is offended by something, he can immediately tell his audience about the conflict. And these people are likely to be on the side of their idol.

Paid traffic channels to the site
You can't do without paid channels for attracting traffic. The key is to find channels that work effectively and put together the perfect combination of them. Here we look at six channels for generating website traffic.

14. Advertising in search results
With this type of advertising, you can generate hot demand. One of the ad units is placed above the organic search results, these ads are first seen by users. The main difference between advertising in search and SEO promotion is that here you have to pay for each click on the link, so it is important to choose the right keywords and work out negative keywords.
What determines and how the cost of advertising in Yandex.Direct is formed, we have analyzed in this article.

15. Contextual advertising in networks
Advertising systems Yandex and Google provide the ability to display banners on partner sites. They are configured depending on the interests and behavior of the user on the Internet. And in Google Display Network, you can still select specific placements - indicate the sites where your target audience is.
With the help of image ads and banners, you can reach an audience that is potentially interested in your offer, but is not looking for information about it right now.

16. Targeted advertising
You can do cool SMM, or you can run ads on social networks. These things are almost unrelated to each other. For example, VKontakte offers a special format if you need traffic to the site:
This format can be used even if you don't have an official community.
When the community does exist, difficulties can arise. Users do not always follow the link, some of them will go to the community to learn more about the company. Some of the users will not call, but will write a message directly to the social network. Therefore, if you run targeted ads, do not forget to check your incoming messages. By the way, in the same VKontakte, all messages from advertising are collected in a separate section and this data can be displayed in a table in the advertising office:
However, if you also maintain accounts on other platforms, it becomes more difficult to take into account messages from ads. For more information on how to stop losing calls from social networks, see the article "Messenger aggregator on the site: how not to miss a client."

17. SMS and instant messaging
Unlike email newsletters, SMS messages and messaging in messengers are always charged, you need to pay for each delivered message. However, the CTR of messaging campaigns is six times higher than email.
Check out this article before trying it. It contains examples of good and bad SMS messaging, important principles and common mistakes.

18. Native media advertising
Above, we discussed how to make guest posts on popular blogs. Then we mentioned that modern media don't like guest posts. But they work with native ads.

What is the difference? Native media advertising is more suitable for B2C products that might be of interest to a mass audience. You will not have accurate data on who saw your ad and how many conversions it led. But you can definitely reach a large audience and increase your brand awareness.
Different formats of native publications are available to advertisers: it can be sponsorship and page branding, an article about your project, or an interactive quiz or test. For an example of native advertising, see the article on quiz marketing.

19. Advertising in Yandex.Zen
Yandex Zen is a blogging platform where content is distributed using a smart feed. Therefore, bloggers can get organic views and reach users who are not subscribed to the channel.
There is an opinion that Zen is a clickbait platform, and Yandex is actively fighting this opinion, especially after they announced an advertising cabinet in 2019. Here we will only talk about advertising in Zen, although, of course, there are cases when companies get profit not from advertising, but thanks to regular free publications.

What is the difference between advertising in Yandex.Zen and native advertising?
Unlike publications in the media, the Yandex.Zen advertising account has some kind of targeting: the user's region, device type, and age. Advertising publications are seen only by those who have read something from the same subject, which means a potentially interested audience.

In addition, in Zen you can only pay for readings - for this you need to select the goal of the "Engagement" campaign. That is, if a person went to an article, but dropped it after the first paragraph, it won't cost you anything.You can also connect Yandex.Audience to an advertising campaign in Zen and track how users interact with your publication. And also launch remarketing campaigns through other Yandex platforms. In the case of native media advertising, you will not have this opportunity.

20. Alternative
It is a similar platform for bloggers. But here the recommendation feed is formed not based on the content of the articles, but taking into account data on the behavior and interests of users from VK and FB.
This site also has an advertising office, but it was not widely announced:
We cannot say for sure which will work better: Zen or Pulse. Test both sites and choose what works for your topic.

Where to get high-quality traffic to the site: compare channels and choose effective ones
Now that you have chosen the channels that you want to test for yourself, you need to draw up an action plan.

How do I test a new ad channel?
  1. Make sure ad traffic is tagged with UTM tags. Without them, you will not be able to determine from what source the user came to the site.
  2. Set up tracking for all types of requests: if the website contains a phone number, enable call tracking, the email address is specified - email tracking. Set up a form submission target in web analytics systems. Of course, it is better to use one service to track all types of calls, for example, Callibri MultiTracking has all the functions that we have named above.
    If you work with requests in a single system, you will have access to end-to-end user identification. And if the same user contacts the company again, the system will recognize him and collect a complete history of requests.
  3. Make a table of expenses in the context of all traffic acquisition channels. Record how many targeted hits you received from each channel, how much you spent in total, and how much each hit cost you.
    To collect data only on targeted hits, they need to be classified: lead, spam, mistakes, etc.
  4. Evaluate which channels are working efficiently and can be scaled, and which have not yielded results. If you are comparing paid channels, start from the maximum permissible cost per lead - until when is advertising profitable for you. Channels that lead to more expensive calls need to be disabled or reconfigured.
    If you are comparing "free" channels, consider the time and resources that you spent on working with them. How much is your hour worth? This can be a “common denominator” for comparison.

Test different channels of driving traffic to the site, see how many hits each leads. And choose what works best ?