
  1. U

    The Power of Unlimited Bandwidth in Residential Proxies

    In the world of online anonymity and data scraping, residential proxies play a crucial role. These proxies allow users to hide their IP addresses behind a residential IP provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This makes them ideal for tasks such as web scraping, sneaker copping, and ad...
  2. Teacher

    Hacker posing as a popular trader stole more than $2.6 million in SOL

    Users of the social network X were subjected to another phishing attack — an attacker posing as a popular Ansem trader was able to fraudulently steal $2.6 million in SOL coins from them. Independent cryptodetector ZachXBT reported that the attacker took advantage of the hype on memcoins and...
  3. Teacher

    A cryptocurrency trader who helped fraudsters withdraw money was detained in the Vitebsk region

    In the Vitebsk region, a cryptocurrency trader who provided assistance to fraudsters in withdrawing income was detained. BelTA learned this from the Interior Ministry. The man came to the attention of operatives on countering cybercrime of the Orsha district police department. In the course of...