
  1. Father

    War of messengers: Signal and Telegram staged a battle for security in social networks

    Elon Musk and Pavel Durov forced hundreds of millions of users to question the security of Signal. In social networks, an unexpected fight broke out between the world's leading messengers, causing concern to hundreds of millions of users. Meredith Whittaker, President of Signal, responded to...
  2. Father

    Apple removed WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal from the Chinese App Store

    Chinese authorities are increasing their control over the Internet by blocking popular instant messengers. Apple excluded WhatsApp, Threads, Telegram and Signal apps from the Chinese App Store. This decision was made after the decree of the Chinese Cyberspace Administration on the need to...
  3. Father

    Glitch in Signal: unknown contacts and suspicious calls

    A cybersecurity specialist has discovered strange numbers in his trusted contact list. Cybersecurity specialist Adam Donenfield shared in X an unusual failure that he encountered when using the Signal messenger. The crux of the problem was that unknown users under the general name "Signal...
  4. Teacher

    Signal and Threema reject WhatsApp: "Our security standards are incompatible"

    Messengers are not ready to degrade metadata protection for the sake of integration with Meta. In accordance with the new EU legislation, Meta must ensure compatibility of its messengers with other services by March 2024. However, the popular instant messengers Signal and Threema do not plan to...
  5. Teacher

    No mobile number – no problem: nicknames in Signal override the anonymity of correspondence

    The messenger has finally implemented a technology that has been developed over the past few years. The popular messenger Signal, whose developers have always paid special attention to security and privacy, announced a long-awaited innovation - support for nicknames for users. The new feature...
  6. Teacher

    WhatsApp: "gatekeeper" without friends? Signal and Threema don't want to cooperate

    Meta is obligated to open access to WhatsApp, but competitors do not want to play by its rules. Due to the introduction of the extensive Digital Markets Act, many large technology companies will have to change their way of working and processing data in the European Union. One such company is...
  7. Teacher

    Anonymity comes first: Signal introduces phone number protection

    Messenger takes a big step towards complete communication privacy. For almost a decade, cybersecurity professionals and privacy advocates have recommended the Signal encrypted communication app as the gold standard for truly private digital communication. However, using it, paradoxically...
  8. Brother

    The head of Signal is dissatisfied with the ban of the messenger among French officials

    Meredith Whittaker claims that the app is completely safe, and the authorities simply misinform citizens. The head of the Signal Foundation, Meredith Whittaker, criticized the decision of the French government, which banned civil servants from conducting correspondence through the Signal app of...
  9. Carding 4 Carders

    Signal опровергает отчеты об уязвимостях нулевого дня, не находит доказательств

    Приложение для обмена зашифрованными сообщениями Signal опровергло "вирусные сообщения" о предполагаемой ошибке нулевого дня в своем программном обеспечении, заявив, что не нашло доказательств в поддержку этого заявления. "После ответственного расследования * у нас нет доказательств...
  10. Carding 4 Carders

    Why WhatsApp and Signal may lose their inaccessibility

    Are we ready for the quantum revolution in cryptography? Quantum computers certainly open up new horizons in computing, but at the same time threaten the foundations of modern cryptography. Cybersecurity experts have expressed concern about the possibility of hacking widely used encryption...
  11. Carding

    Chinese Spy in your Pocket: how GREF hackers monitor Signal and Telegram users

    Is your messenger definitely not a fake? Cybersecurity researchers from ESET have discovered two spy campaigns in which attackers used fake versions of Signal and Telegram. The targets were Android users in the US and Europe. Experts believe that the Chinese group GREF is involved in the case...
  12. Carding

    Связанная с Китаем шпионская программа BadBazaar для Android, нацеленная на пользователей Signal и Telegram

    Исследователи кибербезопасности обнаружили вредоносные приложения для Android для Signal и Telegram, распространяемые через Google Play Store и Samsung Galaxy Store, которые предназначены для доставки шпионского ПО BadBazaar на зараженные устройства. Словацкая компания ESET приписала кампанию...
  13. Carding

    Спасибо криптовойнам 90ых за jabber, но пора двигатся дальше

    В 90ых годах в США стало легальным использование end-to-end шифрования с высокой устойчивостью ко взломам. Окееей. Человечество получило возможность иметь секреты в интернете. Не знаю как вы, но когда я с подружками обсуждаю какие лучше купить трусики, я говорю шёпотом. Меня не волнует как...