
  1. Hacker

    Everyone should know: manipulation and psychology of zombification, social programming

    People are exposed to social programming and are afraid of what others will think of them. All human interests are suppressed in a variety of ways. And people think that this is normal, they are afraid of everything. Instead of being themselves, enjoying life, and living, most of them stick to...
  2. Carding

    Social engineering

    Social engineering is a method of manipulating the thoughts and actions of people. It is based on the psychological characteristics of the individual and the laws of human thinking. Sometimes you can find the interpretation of social engineering as a method of unauthorized gaining access to...
  3. Carding

    Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking

    Download with pictures: Chapter 1: A Look into the World of Social Engineering Why This Book Is So Valuable Overview of Social Engineering Summary Chapter 2: Information Gathering Gathering Information Sources for Information Gathering Communication Modeling...
  4. Bablo

    Social Engineering -- The Basics

    this was written by me! fuck its been forever since i read this guide:) i hope u all like it, i was little bit of beginner when wrote so just relax:D just hope it helps! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alright, before I start. This isn't a step-by-step guide to every fucking...
  5. dofkiuxas

    Social Engineering Ninja v0.3 - phishing pages

    “S-E Ninja is a Social Engineering tool, with 20-25 popular sites fake pages and anonymous mailer via mail() function in PHP. It is a Phishing Web Application Written in PHP,XHTML,CSS,JS.” This is the official change log: This version is coded from the zero. Fixed broken Phishing...