
  1. Tomcat

    NSA reveals a simple way to protect your smartphone from hackers

    The NSA has issued guidelines for the safe use of mobile devices. The US National Security Agency (NSA) recommends that iPhone and Android users regularly reboot their devices to protect against attacks such as zero clicks. This simple tip can help you protect yourself from hackers who can...
  2. Father

    Kim Jong-un reads your mail: the NSA uncovered a new digital attack on North Korea

    Social engineering is coming to the fore, and vulnerable DMARC policies only play into the hands of cybercriminals. A joint statement issued by the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the US State Department warns of a new cyber threat from North Korea...
  3. Father

    Ex-NSA employee convicted of spying on the United States

    The price of betrayal is almost 22 years in prison for selling the country's secrets. A former NSA employee has been sentenced to 21 years and 10 months in prison for attempting to spy for a foreign country. FBI Director Christopher Wray said the verdict should serve as a stark warning to all...
  4. Father

    DoubleYou: a new tool to protect macOS from the NSA and Apple

    The company allows you to make the iPhone invulnerable with individual security features. Former employees of the NSA and Apple founded a startup DoubleYou, which offers a new approach to protecting Apple devices. Patrick Wardle, a former NSA employee and macOS security researcher, and Mikhail...
  5. Father

    US Internet trap: Secret NSA global monitoring system revealed

    Leaked documents revealed the tracking of Internet traffic and the UK's involvement in espionage. During the leak of secret documents, the Chinese company Xitan Lab revealed details about the NSA's sophisticated global Internet traffic monitoring system, which can intercept user traffic around...
  6. Father

    Acuity confirms hacking: data of State Department, NSA and FBI employees stolen

    The US government contractor specified what information fell into the hands of hackers. Acuity, a US government contractor, confirmed that its GitHub repositories were hacked, as a result of which the attackers stole documents. According to the company, the stolen information was "outdated and...
  7. Teacher

    Zero Trust as a Foundation: NSA asks Companies not to be so Naive in Cyberspace

    Experts remind you that there is an even more reliable method than "trust, but check". The US National Security Agency (NSA) has published new guidelines for implementing the Zero Trust concept, an advanced model for protecting corporate networks and data. The document will help commercial and...
  8. Teacher

    "Codebreaker" vs NSA: Secret Battle for the World's Ciphers

    David Kahn, a historian and author of the best-selling book "Codebreakers," has died at the age of 93. David Kahn, a journalist and historian who revealed the secret world of cryptology in his 1967 bestseller Code Breakers and became a prominent scientist in the field of radio intelligence...
  9. Tomcat

    FBI and NSA claim Russian hackers are brute-forcing companies and organizations around the world

    The NSA, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS CISA), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Agency, the FBI and the UK National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) issued a joint statement warning that the Russian “government hack group from APT28 (aka Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm, Sednit...