
  1. Brother

    Samsung, Xiaomi and even Apple: hackers are able to control 5G communication of hundreds of smartphone models

    A bundle of 14 critical 5Ghoul vulnerabilities leaves users no chance for security. Recently, information about serious vulnerabilities in the firmware of 5G modems was published in the public domain, which affect the products of leading chipset manufacturers such as MediaTek and Qualcomm...
  2. Brother

    Недостатки новых модемов 5G влияют на устройства iOS и модели Android основных брендов

    Ряд недостатков безопасности во встроенном программном обеспечении модемов мобильной сети 5G от основных поставщиков чипсетов, таких как MediaTek и Qualcomm, влияют на USB-и IoT-модемы, а также на сотни моделей смартфонов под управлением Android и iOS. Из 14 недостатков, которые в совокупности...
  3. Lord777

    5G in the restaurant kitchen: Chef controls robot chef from a distance

    5G network turns Charley Noble restaurant into the culinary laboratory of the future. In the Charley Noble restaurant in Wellington, New Zealand, a real technological miracle happened: the famous chef Simon Gault, being 600 km away from the institution in Auckland, prepared lunch using a...
  4. Lord777

    NATO develops quantum-resilient 5G networks

    The Alliance demonstrates new standards in cyber warfare. NATO member states are actively working to strengthen the protection of military 5G networks from possible hacker attacks using powerful quantum computers. At the beginning of the month, exercises were held at a training ground in...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Trap of the 21st century: 5G shortcomings can paralyze critical industries

    What is 5G-technological progress or a messenger of the cyber-apocalypse? Fifth-generation (5G) networks and private 5G networks offer improved capabilities for various industries, providing high-speed connectivity and better security. The technology has attracted many new solution providers...
  6. CUK77

    5G technology: what financial institutions should prepare for

    What banks, credit institutions and other financial institutions can expect from the launch of 5G, the fifth generation of mobile communications B Anka, credit institutions and other financial institutions can not be called fans of technological innovations and innovation. They prefer to take a...
  7. CUK77

    The Whole Truth About 5G Technology: Perspectives, Myths and Global Influence

    5G technology will bring $ 2.2 trillion to the global economy over the next 15 years The Whole Truth About 5G Technology: Perspectives, Myths, and Global Impact. The phrase "the modern Internet is out of date" may seem a little strange, since for some, the network still acts as something of a...
  8. CUK77

    Speed and more space for innovation: how 5G will affect the development of fintech

    More than 60 countries are already covered by the fifth generation mobile standard As of January 2021, 61 countries have deployed 144 commercial 5G networks, according to the World Association of Mobile Service Providers. In its report, the association stated "stable growth" in the launch of...
  9. Brother

    5G networks will make it harder for police to wiretap criminals mobile phones

    With the launch of 5G technologies, law enforcement agencies will lose the ability to eavesdrop on the mobile devices of criminals, said Catherine De Bolle, head of the European police agency Europol. De Boll has asked EU leaders to increase funding and empowerment to tackle tech-savvy criminals...
  10. Lord777

    5G vs. Wi-Fi: Expectation and Reality

    Recently, the question of the future of Wi-Fi networks has been increasingly discussed in connection with the expected massive construction of fifth-generation cellular networks. Indeed, why is Wi-Fi needed in a world where cellular networks provide billions of people with high-speed Internet...