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  1. 2


    The things is that even if i check the balance, i cannot be sure i can enlist the card on binance/any site to cash out btcoin (spoofing the id verification with a fake one aswell) but aren't they OTP? ( sms verifying purchases?), another question, what bins are OTP free ?
  2. 2


    And on what site or bank site do you suggest making an account ? Since the cards are mostly visa/mastercard
  3. 2


    Hey, thanks for the reply, what tehnique envolving a 2d site do you recommend to switch card data to bitcoin ? Another question, do the bins really matter at actually using the card? Or do you just use the bins to figure out the balance a bit faster ?
  4. 2


    Another question, how do i check a credit cards balance ?
  5. 2


    Hi guys, i never got how carders get past credit cards 2FA, do they get bypassed if you set a socks 5 proxy connection in the same city and the credit card holder ?