Search results

  1. Jollier

    M. Erickson: Household hypnotics

    A very simple and easy-to-understand example can be given that clarifies this type of accumulation of subtle clues leading to a specific reaction. The rest of the family spent the evening away from home, I got sick, but settled comfortably in a chair, 17-year-old Bert volunteered to stay at home...
  2. Jollier

    Malware detected on 300,000 computers spoofing addresses in the buffer

    Researchers have discovered a new malware campaign that spreads ClipboardWalletHijacker, which intercepts information in the clipboard. At the moment, this malware has already infected more than 300,000 computers. A new malicious campaign was discovered by Qihoo 360 experts, most of the victims...
  3. Jollier

    Upgrade your top ten! Configuring Windows 10 for a safe and comfortable work.

    In its development, Windows has come a long way from a graphical add-in over MS-DOS to a client add-in over a Microsoft cloud service. It will hardly be possible to turn it into a full-fledged operating system, but if you tweak the deep settings, it will become a little safer and not so wayward...
  4. Jollier

    How special services work in finding those who are hiding behind a VPN

    There are several different techniques for de-anonymizing a VPN user. Let's imagine the situation. While in Moscow, we were connected to a VPN located somewhere in Paris. And we went in and performed any illegal actions. What happens next? The injured party appeals to the guys in uniform, they...
  5. Jollier

    China will track cars with RFID chips

    The Chinese government has said that from 2019, all new cars in the country must be equipped with RFID chips. Writes about this The Verge with reference to The Wall Street Journal. The relevant program is being prepared by the Ministry of Public Security of China and the Traffic Control...
  6. Jollier

    Encrypt correctly! Why messengers won't protect the privacy of your correspondence.

    End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is considered a panacea for persistent attempts by hackers and law enforcement agencies to access online correspondence. The meaning of E2EE often boils down to the fact that the keys are stored only on the devices of the interlocutors and do not get to the server...
  7. Jollier

    Psychology of the masses. The subconscious effect.

    History of the issue. Principles and Methods. One thing is undoubted and important: the main role in our psyche (our mental apparatus, human psyche) is played by the subconscious, or the unconscious. This is where our thoughts, desires, actions, some aspirations are born, that from which the...
  8. Jollier

    The secret of the treasury notebook. Using forensics to solve a robbery.

    Today we are waiting for a truly interesting and urgent task, or rather, a whole investigation from the series "where did the big money go": we will consider a case with a corporate laptop on Windows 10, which became a victim of an attack by cyber fraudsters. Or maybe the employees of the...
  9. Jollier

    From fake news to fake life

    The phenomenon of reading an old newspaper is known, which is read with great interest until the eyes fall on the number. This suggests that news is not particularly news, it reflects and confirms the model of the world, where only deviations from it are significant, which stop our attention...
  10. Jollier

    USA vs. darknet

    Despite the fact that the Tor network was originally created by the US government, it is becoming increasingly clear that activities on the darknet and the interests of the federal government diverge in different directions. The Trump administration has intensified and government attacks on the...
  11. Jollier

    Brainwashing as a technology of influence

    Various technologies of influence came to the fore in different periods of human history. So, in antiquity, priority was given to the mechanisms of generating and maintaining sacredness, in totalitarian states - demonstrating loyalty, and today this place is firmly occupied by mass culture and...
  12. Jollier

    Theft from bank cards of occurs due to their credulity

    Sberbank named the reasons why popular fraudulent schemes with bank cards have become so successful. According to the financial institution, more than 76% of malicious transactions were carried out due to the common gullibility of users. It turned out that many Russians simply disclose...
  13. Jollier

    Man has many ways of seeing

    You can, of course, become in the position of a materialist who repudiates everything, mol, this cannot be, because it cannot be anywhere. But, it is thought that such people will pass by. The international congress "Science, Information, Conscience" has brought the total to the results...
  14. Jollier

    Amazon's smart speakers can secretly record owners' conversations

    A family from Portland, USA, who owns a smart speaker Amazon Echo with built-in Alexa assistant, told KIRO 7 reporters about an unusual problem. One fine day, the couple received a strange phone call from Seattle, - one of the employees of the company owned by the head of the family called...
  15. Jollier

    Police buy facial recognition service from Amazon. The company advises security officials free of charge.

    Amazon helps American security officials use their facial recognition service. Writes about this American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). He found out about this by asking the police for information about the use of such services. Amazon's service is called Rekognition. He can recognize about 100...
  16. Jollier

    Raccoon hunting. How the creator of the Trojans caught fire himself and burned customers.

    The stories of how antivirus companies track down virus writers are always of great interest to a wide variety of audiences. Even in spite of the fact that in most cases such disclosures occur because the virusmaker has fundamentally screwed up somewhere. So it happened this time too, and the...
  17. Jollier

    Buying and selling documents on the darknet

    The Darknet has always been that very ideal place where you can sell any stolen data, which is later used for various illegal activities (for example, fraud) or helps to maintain anonymity to various ordinary people. The first glimpses of the darknet drew themselves back in 2013, when the...
  18. Jollier

    Malware that steals cache files and keys of the Telegram messenger was written by a Russian-speaking hacker

    Experts from Cisco Talos and Doctor Web announced the emergence of new modifications of the Trojan, which appears in companies' reports under the names Trojan.PWS.Stealer.23012 and TeleGrab. Malvar This malware was first detected in early April 2018, but after a couple of weeks, experts noticed...
  19. Jollier

    What is Congruence

    Have you ever wondered why people believe you? Or why, when you are anxious before an important conversation, spoil it in advance? How do some people manage to convince others of the reality of something that has nothing to do with "reality"? How do you see, even if intuitively, that the...
  20. Jollier

    StalinLocker deletes user files if they don't enter the correct code

    Specialists MalwareHunterTeam and Bleeping Computer warned about the emergence of a new locker and wiper, which was named StalinLocker, as it shows the user a portrait of Stalin and plays the anthem of the USSR. Researchers say that StalinLocker gives the user only 10 minutes to enter the code...