Recent content by BCHdchFighter

  1. B

    A real socks5 seller?

    .......what about Dont they provide socks 5 too? Are they good quality?
  2. B


    welcome. If you are successful in your endeavors make sure to contribute to the forum and help others(please of course!). Best of luck.
  3. B

    Need help for buying gift card

    spouse name,fathers name,and phone number is not needed for cc fullz right? Is this a default part of the fullz package or not? What a practical uses for such info?
  4. B

    Need help for buying gift card

    .......I can try helping you if you want.But please list the current software that you have and the where you bought your cc.
  5. B

    starting carding

    make a post if you succeed.....pls? And go into detail on how you did it for the newbies here.
  6. B

    starting carding

    suggestions on anti detect that does this?
  7. B


    yeah sure. I can help you cashout with the dl's. Have alot of experience. You just need a few tools and you should be able to cashout to crypto in no time.
  8. B

    Black scheme of earning money for believers

    this is disgusting. You are scamming people by taking advantage of their religion and willingness to help. Go seek professional help.
  9. B

    How to start a beginner in carding

    This text you have written is very hard to understand. Is English your first language? There is alot of very incomprehensible instruction over here. If you could possibly rewrite this so that readers could properly follow this instruction you have stated above then that would be very great.
  10. B

    Carding on your country?

    heh people who card in the USA and live there might say otherwise. I feel bad for those people.
  11. B

    How to Successfully Card online

    go to They exhibit very good sign's. They have a quite impressive UI interface and have their own platform where they host videos on how to use the cards.
  12. B

    How to Successfully Card online

    Actually using it yourself requires alot of expertise and knowledge in carding as you've seen in this forum. It's quite easier to cashout via selling. But I do get your point.
  13. B

    Beginner's Guide to Carding!

    lovely explanation! Especially the part about paypal. But if you're going to purchase with paypal don't go to ebay. Go to g2a. With luck you should be able to card something.
  14. B

    good luck. If you have any questions come ask me and I will try my best to answer.

    good luck. If you have any questions come ask me and I will try my best to answer.
  15. B


    careful you may encounter a little more problems than this. Not to worry though. You can post it on this forum or even reply the problem on this post(there may be slim chances of people helping you if you do this though.).