There are no more hidden trackers: a new feature from Apple and Google protects against espionage


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The joint specification introduces a new security standard for Bluetooth trackers.

Apple and Google announced the launch of a new feature that notifies iOS and Android users if a Bluetooth tracker is being used to secretly spy on them without their knowledge or consent.

The Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers (DULT) feature is available on Android devices (version 6.0 and higher) and on iOS devices (iOS version 17.5). The new specification will help prevent misuse of devices designed to track personal items.

Thanks to DULT, users will receive a "[Device] is moving with you " notification on their device if an unknown Bluetooth tracking device is moving with them for a certain amount of time, regardless of the platform that this device is connected to.

Regardless of the operating system, users can view the tracker ID, play audio to detect it, and get instructions on how to disable it. Bluetooth tag manufacturers, including Chipolo, eufy, Jio, Motorola, and Pebblebee, have committed to making their future tags compatible with the new specification.

Apple and Google said they will continue to work with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to develop an official DULT technology standard.