Stories about logs


Reaction score

Today we will talk about logs, and more precisely, about how they earn money.​

I'll start with a preface and explain what an E-Gift is. An e-gift is an electronic gift certificate.
For example, in electronics stores and various perfume salons, you can not give a gift, but let the person choose it personally. Only here you give not a physical card carrier, but an electronic one.

You send such a certificate to your mistress, and she will be able to buy goods in the store for the amount corresponding to this certificate. Driving in e-Gifts is somewhat more difficult than the items themselves, because they can be sold much faster, which all stores know very well, so they treat them with caution.

If you carefully read our last article, you will have realized that by purchasing a log, you have access to the email address of conditional John Smith. So, in the mail, you can often find these very electronic certificates. Once I was lucky enough to go to the mail of a dude who apparently had a birthday.

His mail was littered with gift cards from Amazon. You can purchase such a certificate simply by entering the code specified in the certificate. After selling all the certificates that he had to the buyer, I received about 800 bucks, having warned in advance that the gifts were taken from the mail.

More than $ 800, without even entering them.
Much more often in the logs you can find track numbers of parcels that have either already arrived, or, what is much more interesting, are on the way. With the release of a new iPhone model, some moneybags are not averse to buying a new toy as quickly as possible, usually by pre-ordering by mail.

It may seem like a utopia, but trust me, the consumer society has reached its peak. These people actually buy literally everything that is sold.
Again, not without a bit of luck, once, just on the day of the start of sales of the iPhone 13, I found the account of a dude who ordered as many as two. After studying the mail a little, I realized that he takes the second one to his wife, but they go in the same package. Our favorite reroute has been launched was used (changing the address during transportation), and voila, two brand-new iPhones reached the stuff buyer. I'm afraid to imagine how that guy felt when this scam came to light. Fortunately, my euphoria from such quick and easy money was noticeably higher.

At such moments, I console myself that according to American law, the bank will return the money to the client without fail. Remember, the bank loses money, and the client, if he does not score points, returns his own.
What if you've never had any luck, and the fart isn't yours at all?

Do you prefer hard work and achieving your goals at any cost?

In this case, the logs will give you even more room for maneuver.

As proof of this, I will tell you another story related to Amazon​

In addition to the account of a simple layman, you can easily buy an account of a person who has their own store on this site. So, one day I took a couple of Amazon business logs, and to my delight, the owner of one of them specifically put a bolt on this case, and did not go there at all.

But I did.​

The guy sold cases and accessories for Apple equipment, there were few sales, but the card was tied very seriously. After working hard to warm up the store, I immediately placed an order for 5 pieces of Apple Watch 7 series.

Winky fag is dirty...

I asked the caller to immediately make a call and confirm the order, which he did. The very next day, a pack of 5 smart watches was already on its way to the owner's address, and all I had to do was change the address. My caller did well. The payment was about $ 1500.

And this is one drive-in. Not five, but one

If you want to make money, and not just talk about it, you can easily come up with your own scheme for making money. The main thing is ingenuity and a well-tuned car.

Yes, success may not come immediately, but there is no easy money anywhere. No matter how trite it may sound, patience and hard work will wear everything out.