Stages of a carder in personal life


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There is a huge illusion that only the one who is in a loving relationship is happy, and the one who is alone is unhappy. It was imposed by fashion and certain stereotypes. As long as you have such a false belief, you will live alone and you will not be able to build love.

Your life consists of periods, each of which is fundamentally important. All of them must be passed consciously, as deeply as possible, with love and acceptance. People who, in adolescence, learned to go through periods of loneliness with respect, love and joy, as a rule, are much less lonely already at a conscious age. The rest take a lesson in loneliness in later periods - at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years.

Modern man has four options for his personal life. The first is called “free” when a person belongs to himself and acts as he sees fit, guided by his conscience and inner feelings. He builds a relationship with himself in such a way that he has the opportunity to distribute time throughout the day as he wants, because there is still no family and obligations.

Let's imagine that everyone has about five years of these four periods, one of which is five years of solitude. Imagine that this is not a scary word when you are lonely, suffer, cry, you are sad and unwell, but this is the state in which you feel the thrill of freedom. You can travel, move, interact with people, spending time anywhere and with anyone, and nothing at all obliges you to anything.

The second state is the five-year stage of romantic acquaintances, when you are not married or married, you can get acquainted, communicate, make a date and meet someone, sit and have a good time. Nobody obliges you after that to take a man by the hand and take him to the registry office or take a woman and then live with her. You just communicate, learn, explore the world and you can feel many pleasant emotions at this stage.

The third option is a period of five years of living together in a relationship, but without marriage or marriage. This is living under one roof, travel and purposeful development with one partner. At this time, there are still no children, you get to know and study each other, find common ground, argue in some way and exchange experiences. You understand that this person complements you, and being with him, you also live a period of studying yourself through a collision with your shortcomings, therefore this period is the most useful for the development of personality.

The last period also lasts five years, when you realize that the time has come to build relationships in a family format. You feel that right now, the creation of a common way of life, the registration of marriage, the birth of children is the path to a new reality in which everything will take place on a larger scale and deeply. Thanks to this, you are able to experience incredible emotions. Marriage is a great sacrament and a powerful ritual, in which the family begins to represent a whole energy substance, around which about the same field is formed as is present around the child in the womb. The universe always invests additional energy and protection in a correctly and consciously created family.

Five-year periods do not mean that you are living the first stage from 15 to 20, from 20 to 25 you have a romantic period, from 25 to 30 - a relationship, and from 35 to 40 - marriage. No, it may be that all the stages are broken into pieces. This happens very often if you are not building your relationship correctly, as, unfortunately, most people in the world do. They create a lot of additional problems for themselves both within the relationship and after them, accumulating stress, which then lead to psychosomatic diseases, which ultimately spoils their whole future life. How to prevent such problems in my life, I tell in detail on the course on the relationship of Psychomagic.


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⛷ Delayed Life Syndrome

Recently I reread Narine Abgaryan's novel Three Apples Fell From the Sky. To the depths of my soul I was struck by the story of a man who bought shoes on the market. He wanted to change his shoes right away, but his wife began to pose: “Like, don’t be stupid. Put it on for Sunday service. " The old man was terribly offended, and his wife ardently argued that there are casual clothes, and there are smart ones. The elderly returned home and, while the rich khash was warming up, he lay down to rest and died immediately. She buried him, but did not put her shoes in the coffin. What more? They are brand new. Only the deceased "began to come" every night and reproach for greed. I had to wait for the death of another long-liver in order to shoe her in size forty-five shoes.

One acquaintance with bitterness told how at one time he had taken offense at his grandmother. He, seven years old, came to visit her for spring break and asked to open apple jam. That in any. After all, I saved it for the apple strudel for Trinity. The boy first persuaded, and then burst into tears and went home on the rails. After all, there was no money for a return ticket. Grandmother did not live to see Trinity for two weeks, and one of the neighbors stole a jar of jam on the sly, taking also fishing rods and a barrel for pickling cucumbers.

The second aunt's aunt has a cool plaid skirt in her dresser, saved for death. - Do you like her? - Highly. - So wear it. - The time will come. With my usual fervor, I try to prove that it is impossible to enjoy a skirt by following it to the cemetery, but dressing up for bread is the thing. She smiles knowingly and says that I haven’t smelled life yet.

For several years my parents have refused to go to the sanatorium. They are ill, they drink liters of Nurofen, but they cannot undergo a course of treatment and take radon baths. The pope motivates this by the fact that there is a war going on in the country and he is ashamed to take care of his health when people are dying in the east.

A friend sometimes recalls the notorious jar of sprats. Mom got it for some mega attractive price and hid it for the holiday without looking at the expiration date. And when the “X” hour came, and on the plate there was already a toasted loaf, greased with mayonnaise, slices of pickled cucumber and sprigs of fresh dill, sprats, turned out to be spoiled.

Delayed life syndrome is very convenient. You can wrap yourself in it like in a cocoon and justify your fears and laziness. Unwillingness to act and make decisions. When the children grow up, summer comes, Friday evening, Easter ... Better from Monday, from September 1, after vacation or when the war ends. We wait for the evening in the morning. In the evening, a new morning. We leave fancy tablecloths, fancy words, thoughts and dreams for later. The best job and the best piece. We are waiting for an opportunity, an opportune moment, the first lunar day. We postpone youth for old age, forgetting that life is something that happens exclusively now.