Some recommendations for beginners: how to become successful in a theme


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I am am asked often how many by years I in a theme. When I answer that 8 months - anybody do not trust. And in vain. I in the given note will try to give very short some councils to those people who in present hard for carding times only comes to themes with hope to earn to myself on a sweet life.

The first that is necessary - for you it is the starting capital. Without it - without мазы in general. Cotton wool will roll, live from hand to mouth in search of ВМЗ, and still you will need to pay every month for впн and соксы, and other requirements (vary depending on the chosen theme). There is no money for the starting capital? With it always easily - earn - variants a heap in a real life for the person who WISHES to earn, instead of sucks and aches on kitchen how to live hard. For example - it is possible to go cars to unload - normal man's work. I on another to carding earned, but my methods not for all will approach.
Variants to earn to the beginner is and in carding - having hammered. Yes it is difficult. Yes can throw. Whether and abuse you thought - all easily that? So current at the time of a planet was, than further themes it is more difficult. Alas.

With the starting capital have understood. We will admit it at you is. Now before you other question. Where to move, roughly speaking. Here before us there is a shared problem of many beginners. The desire of money to earn - is, and a head we do not wish to think and work. In the first. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, do not knock in icq people who in a theme and do not write that that like "to sorry that you are disturbed by me the beginner but very much wish to get to a theme prompt to me..... (Here it is a lot of variations what to prompt). It is not excluded that who will really prompt, but who really works for 99 % of those percent, there will be a desire to add you in игнор sheet. Time at people is not present, and desires as that study to lazy and incompetent people.

Desire ask questions of other people - it especially characterises a condition of brains of overwhelming number of the citizens going in carding. I besides speak about unwillingness to be improved, desire not to work and to receive everything, at once and on a freebie. 95 % of these citizens through what time interval dump that from a theme or starts to throw (it indeed easier though too die a theme - all through the guarantor want now)

In general, with carding all is simple. As well as in any theme, in carding professionalism (competence), and ruthlessness to itself. If you wish to earn really well, you should know the theme by heart. To understand the smallest nuances. Constantly to watch news. To read forums (a source of the information and that). To communicate with your colleagues, to exchange experience. To be well informed only. On all these employment a lot of time and efforts is required. Here we go to other point - ruthlessness to ourselves. At first - it is difficult, but it is then - very interesting. Pleasure from work, creativity, object in view performance, from reached - it at all less other pleasures. And sometimes - and more. It is necessary to understand - that carding it is work, work creative, interesting - and well paid. But if to concern it as to a hobby or a freebie on beer - of that that serious you will achieve.

Always put to itself the purposes. And every day ask - that you have achieved that you have made, that it to reach. Having reached, never relax - put the new purpose. Relaxed.
About the purposes - it is perfectly well written here: page=3&t=1051601278
Very much in due time has clarified

At once I advise to reject moral restrictions. First for what that such, conscience ate. Has then realised true and it became easier to live. It is just necessary soberly knowing who you, and than you are engaged. You steal money from people. You the thief. And a point.

However, unscrupulous too it is not necessary to be. There is such dung what any normal person never will enter, will avoid. For me - to plunder old men, to deceive on charity. At everyone the. Simply do not forget about that that you the person, do not lose human shape, money all the same not all decide in our life that for the sake of them to go on what that disgusting acts.

However, we will return to a situation: you begin with zero. How to reach at least that minimum level of the competence which the starting capital for nothing will allow you to start to work and not to spend? I can give some councils on the example. I began (the truth with this theme have quickly finished, but it is unimportant, as the example will descend), on fraud in bookmaker offices (the theme was initially close since in sports there are communications and knowledge). To expand the knowledge on area carding in Bk - I for some days almost continuous work has studied -

- All топики on кардинг forums on this theme
- Sites about 70 large BK, studied manuals, rules of input of a conclusion
- Sites of those who stakes
- Being it is armed by knowledge, already has almost professionally talked to pair people working in this theme. To help council \ experience anybody - has not refused as I did not knock to them with silly questions a-lja "hear, the dude, prompt че to me to pour" and was already more less at level close to them.

I believe that such approach is capable to help in 90% to what now work. That with АСН that exchangers where gold till now carding - it is possible to find banks through Google, it is just necessary to work. Precisely as well normal dropers, and other necessary people are elementary for finding, only properly. Work, try, and never lower hands. That you also remember - one, and count only on yourself and anybody here are not necessary, here all money earns also all on you to put. And if you in carding there is more than half a year and you suck till this time - it not themes die, it lazy stupid (necessary to substitute).

While everything if that else appears clever in a head - in article I will add.

P.S. Not to perceive written as "money has snatched out and now all teaches". I have stated the experience, vision to whom that it can be useful, at whom that the sights. Will help you - well, will not help - believe.
What for has written? And a prize I want.


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Note : Amex has a 4 digit verification code , and for discover 000 can be used.

Now there are some tips and tricks when you want to order something .

? Look for a site with a shitty layout, they'll probably have a shitty security and are "cardable" (this means you can easily get stuff from the site)

? Try to use Discover or Amex, these cards are less involved with chargebacks etc and most merchants (payment processors) won't verify these cards, instead of visa and mastercard, which have alot of chargebacks.

? Don't use a store in your own country, especially not big ones. is one of the best cardable sites if you have the right techniques..


When ordering, sites will ask for a billing address and a shipping address.
The billing address is the address listed on the creditcard, the shipping address is your address or a drop address, a so called "delivery address".

Ebay is also a good site to buy goods.

But ebay doesn't use an instant paying service, they offer online paying services such as Paypal and

These sites gladly accept all types of creditcards, from all over the world.


As you will probably know, is an online auction site where goods can be sold and bought by people over the world.

This site is one of the most visited shopping sites, because of its large variety of goods and prices, which can be lower then store prices.

Now the question is : how to contact the seller and arrange the fraudulent deal.

Well, to contact the seller you will need an ebay buyer account. This means you have to register yourself at, and do NOT use your real information, because they will ask you to provide a creditcard and that one has to match with the adress on the card, so just use the cardholder's info.

Also use a valid email adress, a yahoo or hotmail one for example, because you have to confirm your registration, and also the seller(s) will reply to you on that email adress.

If you see an item and you want to buy it, first ask the seller a question.
A question which will work well is the following one:

Hi there,
i am from USA and i am interested in purchasing this item from you.
i would like to pay this item with my paypal
But the item is a gift for my cousin in Belgium
can you gift wrap the package and calculate shipping costs for 2-3 days delivery?
please reply me with a total price and your paypal adress.

With this message people received alot of items, including cellphones, a PDA, shoes, a laptop, software, etc.


Now i will (finally) explain the meaning of the word Paypal. us an online payment method, which is used by alot of ebayers, and can be funded by bank transfers or creditcards

All you need for this is a USA cvv2 and a valid email address and if you card, change your hard disk serial number for security purposes.

1️⃣ Visit & click on Register/Sign up.

2️⃣ Fill in the form with the creditcard info (name, address, city, state, zipcode, country, etc) and the email address you are using for Ebay.

3️⃣ On the bottom of the page they will ask you to pick 2 security questions and give an answer on those questions, in case you forget your password.

4️⃣ Pick any random question and fill it in with random info, paypal cannot verify it.
After you have signed up , go to your email inbox & click on the paypal email.

5️⃣ Inside you will find a link which you'll have to click in order to confirm the registration. You'll visit a page which will ask you to confirm your paypal password.

6️⃣ Fill it in, click on submit, and paypal will ask you to add a bank account. We aren't interested in this, so click on Skip.

7️⃣ Then you'll see your account overview. In the left menu, click on Add a Credit Card.
On that page it'll ask you the cardholder's name, the ccnumber, type of creditcard (see chapter 1), the expiry date and the Cvv2 (cfr. Chapter 1)

8️⃣ If all information is valid, click on Submit and hopefully you'll get a message saying: you have succesfully added a creditcard. Blablablaa.......

‼️If you are unlucky , you'll get one of the following errors:

◾️ This creditcard has already been assigned to another paypal account, please use a different card (no explenation needed)

◾️ You have entered an invalid or partial credit card number (cc number is incorrect)

◾️ Your card has been declined because we could not verify the 3-4 digit code on the back of your card (cvv2 is invalid)

◾️This card has been declined by your bank issuer (card is invalid)

9️⃣ After you have successfully added a card , look in your email inbox for some replies from sellers which will contain a full price for the item.

1️⃣0️⃣ Go to your paypal account, click on Send Money. Fill in the recipient (seller's paypal email), the amount, and pick Auction Goods (non Ebay)
on the next page create a item number (10 digits maxium) , and a buyer ID (johndoe4852 for example). As auction site, select Other.
Then click on Continue, it'll bring you to a new screen to confirm the information you entered.

‼️ As funding source, you'll see that the credit card is selected ‼️

1️⃣1️⃣ On bottom you 'll see that paypal automatically selects the credit card adress as shipping adress. Leave this indicated like this , it'll give the transaction a very legit look.

1️⃣2️⃣ Then click on Confirm and hope for the best. If your purchase was succesfull, you'll get a message saying you've sent cash or you paid for an online auction.

1️⃣3️⃣ Then return to your paypal account & Log Out. Go to your inbox, tell the seller the money has been sent and provide the shipping adress in the email.

‼️ Also ask him to mail you back once the package is shipped ‼️

If everything is ok, you should have the package in 1 week (including the weekend and holidays)

❕NOTE: After a while, the seller might mail you to tell you the payment has been reversed and asking you to send it again.
Simply ignore these emails by marking them as spam.

Alright, I would like to share little tips on how to card something so that you can do it successfully. ?

Well, my hope is the item you carded can be delivered to your drop address "safely" (from your point of view). If you are successful you can send me screens then forward to channel for proof of effortness ?