Sale of payment details = initiation of a criminal case


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The sale of banking details that provide access to accounts or electronic wallets, or other means of payment entails criminal liability.

In 2022, investigators of the Grodno region initiated 4 criminal cases under Article 222 (illegal turnover of means of payment and (or) instruments) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, and 35 criminal cases have already been opened since the beginning of this year. At the same time, in almost 90% of cases, the age of suspects is from 16 to 21 years. This growth is a cause for concern, as young people often resort to illegal methods of getting rich in the pursuit of easy money. Schoolchildren, students, students become puppets in the hands of malefactors who, promising to earn money, push them to commit crimes.

An 18-year-old resident of Hrodna got into a similar situation. The Hrodna inter-district Department of the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against the young man for illegal turnover of means of payment.

According to the investigation, a young man in February 2022, at that time he was 17 years old, found a message about a part-time job in one of the messengers. On the same day, he contacted a user who suggested registering an account to log in to one of the bank's mobile apps. The suspect was not confused by anything, and the desire to earn easy money only pushed him to do so. After successful registration, the teenager provided the user's banking details, for which he received a small amount. In November 2022, at the request of a friend, a young man registered an account in another banking application in his name, and transferred the details to the latter, for which he also received a reward.

In April of this year, for easy earnings, the guy decided to use the already "working" scheme. To do this, he found a message about a part-time job in the messenger, after which, during correspondence with the user, he realized that it was necessary to create an account on the cryptoplatform, for which he was promised timely payment. A college student created a crypto wallet, and the details required to log in to the account of the cryptocurrency exchange were reported to the attackers. After that, it was blocked without transferring the amount promised for providing information.

The final legal assessment of the defendant's actions will be given based on the results of the investigation.