Robots are coming: TOP-6 skills that cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence


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What skills do you need to develop in order not to give up your workplace to artificial intelligence?

The development of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies can provoke unemployment in many areas. This is stated in the materials of the World Economic Forum. However, experts identify at least six skills that AI cannot reproduce. They need to be developed by those who do not want to lose their place in the labor market.

The corona crisis has accelerated the transformation of human society. The pandemic has forced people to stay at home and minimize contact, which has fueled the spread of contactless technology even more. Over the past six months, the popularity of online conferences, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence technologies and robotics has skyrocketed. All this will lead to the emergence of mass unemployment. The fourth revolution, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will take jobs from a wide variety of professions.

First of all, those who are engaged in simple manual labor will lose their jobs - they can be replaced by robots, drones and automated processes. Also, people whose work depends on the application of professional knowledge and judgments based on logical thinking will lose their jobs. In these skills, AI has an overwhelming advantage. Lawyers, accountants, pharmacists and other professionals are no exception.

Many experts who spoke at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos agreed that artificial intelligence cannot successfully replace humans in three areas: the hospitality industry, management and creativity. However, even here, AI technologies will be able to replace humans at an elementary level. Therefore, experts believe that people need to acquire and improve more complex skills.

1. Ability for non-verbal communication​

In other words, it is necessary to develop the ability to hear clients without words, understand how they are feeling, and learn to express warm feelings that go beyond verbal boundaries.

2. Ability to show empathy for clients​

According to the study authors, this is the most important ability that allows us to use our non-verbal communication skills at the highest level.

3. Ability to manage growth​

AI is already capable of performing some tasks related to financial management, resource allocation, and organizing tasks and projects. Therefore, people need to focus on more complex management tasks.

The ability to manage growth is the ability to support members of the organization in developing their skills and professional growth, and this is based on coaching skills.

4. Ability to support other employees​

This ability is to support the recovery of members in distress in situations where they are suffering from problems arising from interpersonal relationships or other problems. This ability is based on counseling skills.

Skills that cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence will be extremely important for managers and leaders.

5. Ability to manipulate the collective mind​

It is the ability of leaders to manage team members, bringing them together, encouraging them to share their knowledge and fostering new knowledge and solutions in the team.

“The vital elements that allow you to demonstrate this skill are the ability to express the vision that excites your team members, as well as the ability to manage your ego, to create an environment in which participants can go beyond the personal self, learn to hear and cooperate with each other. friend, ”the report says.

6. Ability to implement new ideas in the organization​

In fact, the creativity that is required in a corporate environment involves much more than the ability to come up with new ideas. It is necessary to develop the ability to beautifully present ideas, skillfully convince management of the need to translate these ideas into reality, and also move them forward for implementation.

The crisis and the fourth revolution are projected to lead to massive job cuts in the coming years. Many highly skilled professionals can find themselves in a quandary. If countries and businesses do not support their citizens and employees to develop the above-mentioned capabilities, we will not be able to overcome the coming era of mass unemployment.