Protect your browser from Spam: New Security Check Features in Chrome


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Google has come up with a reliable tool for dealing with information garbage.

Google Chrome has introduced updated security settings for the Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. One notable innovation is the "Security Check" feature, which now alerts users to an excessive number of spam notifications from websites.

If you receive too many notifications, whether from an open website or an embedded app, the system will display a corresponding notification in the Chrome menu. This feature is likely to be useful for many people, because spam inevitably interferes with working with your PC, distracts you, and can also be an indicator of malicious activity.

The user can manage notifications through settings and block them completely if desired. You can see which sites send spam in the "Security Recommendations"section. Here you can also find out how many notifications the system receives from specific resources on average per day. If you need to block some of the sites, you can check them in the list or select the "Block all" option.

Security Check has many other features that help protect user data. Among them:

Password Compromise Alerts: If your saved passwords were exposed as a result of a data leak, Chrome will notify you.

Safe surfing support: The system will remind you to check your settings to protect yourself from malware and scammers.

Encouraging updates: Chrome will prompt you to update your browser so that you can use the latest security features.

Manage Unused Site Permissions: Automatically removes permissions for sites that you no longer visit.

Checking extensions: Informs you about add-ons that may not be secure.

The tool is available under "Settings" → "Privacy and Security".