Prisma Finance: a "white" cyberattack, $11.6 million in losses and a drop in trust


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Prisma Finance is struggling with the consequences of the rescue attack.

The hacker who conducted the cyber attack on the Prisma Finance liquid betting protocol said that his actions were a threat prevention measure aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in the system.

The incident resulted in a loss of $11.6 million and was described as a"white-hat rescue." The criminal contacted Prisma Finance via an encrypted address shortly after the attack to offer a refund and request contacts to discuss the terms of the refund.

White hackers are known for their role in cybersecurity, where they identify system breaches not for their own benefit, but to prevent possible attacks. In the context of cryptocurrencies, such specialists sometimes use the found vulnerabilities for good, offering their services in exchange for a reward, while in other cases they can act altruistically.

The incident occurred on March 28, causing serious financial losses for Prisma Finance and a significant drop in confidence in the system. PeckShield analysts estimated losses of $11.6 million, which were distributed to several addresses and partially converted into the Ethereum cryptocurrency. In response to the incident, Prisma Finance suspended its DeFi protocol to minimize damage and launched an investigation into the cause of the incident.


Prisma Finance asset value

Before the attack, the total value of assets in the Prisma Finance protocol was about $220 million, but this figure dropped sharply to less than $115 million after the incident.


PRISMA Token Price

The incident also affected the value of the Prisma management token (PRISMA), which fell by 30%, but later partially recovered its value.