Musk told when Starship will fly to Mars

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SpaceX's ambitious plans are amazing.

This week, at the International Astronautical Congress, Elon Musk took part in an interview where he spoke about his vision for interplanetary flights. The interview took place in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The main topic of discussion is the Starship rocket. In response to a question about the time of return of the first stage of the rocket, Musk made a joke to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). "If we are issued licenses on time, we will probably be able to catch the accelerator in a year. Or even in less than a year," he said.

It should be noted that a license is required for launching rockets. In 2023, one attempt was made to launch a combination of Starship and Super-Heavy Booster, but it was interrupted due to damage to the launch pad. The second attempt is still pending approval.

To catch an accelerator on the launch tower in 2024, everything has to go like clockwork, starting with FAA launch approval.

As for Starship, its "catching" may occur by the end of 2024, but this will be possible only after the successful landing of the device at a certain point in the Pacific Ocean.

Nevertheless, Musk continues to set ambitious goals for his team. He claims that landing on Mars is possible within four years. SpaceX Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell in 2022 expressed the opinion that it is possible to send a person to Mars within a decade.

Musk also mentioned the design similarities of Starship with the Soviet N1 rocket and expressed the hope that his team took into account the lessons of its failures. Recall that the Soviet lunar rocket faced four failures before the program was canceled almost 50 years ago.