I went for help and made a bet: hackers turned India's state websites into crypto casinos


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A daring cyberattack exposed the vulnerabilities of dozens of government resources.

Researchers of the TechCrunch identified about four dozen advertising links with the domain "gov.in" owned by the governments of various Indian states such as Bihar, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Mizoram and Telangana. Links led to platforms that are positioned as" Asia's most popular online betting platform "and"India's leading cricket betting app".

Exactly how the scammers were able to place these advertisements on government websites and how long the redirecting links were active, has not yet been established. Some of the affected web pages belong to serious organizations such as the Police Department and the Property Tax Division.


Having discovered the problem earlier in the week, representatives of the publication immediately reported it to the Indian Computer Emergency Service (CERT-In), providing examples of affected sites.

After some time, the CERT-In agency confirmed receipt of the information and announced the beginning of an investigation. "We have contacted the relevant authorities to take the necessary measures," the agency said.

At the moment, it is not known whether the vulnerability that allowed unauthorized access to sites has been fixed, but work on this cyber front is being carried out as actively as possible.

In June last year, TechCrunch journalists already reported on similar cases of fraud, when ads for providing services for hacking Instagram*were published on American government websites through vulnerabilities in the CMS system.