I sell photos used driver's licenses from both sides and id cards, passports.


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I sell photos used driver's licenses from both sides and id cards, passports.
Countrys: Europe United States Britain Canada China(on some countries have selfies).
I agree on guarantor.
Any guarantor on your choice.
You must trust him.
Guarantor services entirely for your money.
Before purchasing, you see paint on important data on document that country you need and then you decide buy through guarantor or pay me money in advance and buy without guarantor.
After payment you receive original(s) document or documents.

Price for id card or driver's licenses on both sides 12$
Price for selfie with id card in hand or selfie with driver's license in hand + id card or driver's license on both sides 24$
Price for passport 6$
Price for selfie with passport in hand + passport 12$

Each client has two disposable discounts which reduce official price on half, starting from purchase 10 or 20 people:
1)on id cards on both sides(or on driver's licenses on both sides)
2)on passports
On selfie kits no discount.

For 10 people:for 10 id cards(or driver's licenses on both sides) you pay 60$ through guarantor.

For 20 people:for 20 id cards (or driver's licenses on both sides) you pay 120$ through guarantor.

For 10 people: for 10 passports you pay 30$ through guarantor.

For 20 people: for 20 passports you pay 60$ rubles through guarantor.