How to search for stores by country


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First of all, we will need:

1. Google

2. Ability to correctly compose queries.

Let's start with the basics, first we'll decide which country's shop we need. Take USA.

Открываем google and enter the following query in the search bar - Why this particular request?

Everything is simple. The meaning of shop speaks for itself, but you don't need to explain it here. Then there is the " + " sign, which allows you to better filter the request. The following inurl: - request indicates that the phrase we are looking for should be in the link/link / url. For example, we have written the value - .com. The search results will show us shops with domains ending in. com.

Our request is not perfect, it is taken as an example, and therefore you should not rely on it everywhere. You can also make it a little more specific by putting quotation marks at the beginning and end. This allows us to get more targeted search responses to our queries from Google.

The simplest example for finding stores was described above.

Go ahead and start looking...

Let's start with the fact that we forget about American shops, 90% of carders are looking for them. We will go the other way, we will look for shops in other countries.

Go to - This is a site with a list of countries.

For example, choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the Czech Republic domain itself.

Come here - We see the menu "International domains".

Here is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains

Since we chose the Czech Republic, we also look at the Czech domain. The list shows only one Czech domain, this one .cz.

Now download Google Chrome for yourself, it will be useful to us. And we start experimenting with requests. For example-shop+pay

Let's analyze our request:​

shop - everything is clear here, this is a shop.

pay visa - we make it clear that we are interested in paying with the CC. Here you can change the request to mc, maestro, paypal, etc.

worldwide - a value indicating that we need a shop with worldwide delivery. - well, at the end of the request, we indicate the domain. The request will give us stores.

You can also add a search for the desired item here – for example, insert +iPhone5+in the center of the phrase

And now we recall the rule - we don't take shops from the first pages of the search. In this case, we can safely ignore this rule and start sorting through the shops(does not apply to Yandex).

It is better to make requests in FireFox, and view shops in Chrome, since chrome will translate the shop from Czech to Russian quite normally, which will greatly facilitate our work.

In order to find a shop in any country that is not translated into English, we change the language of writing the keys. For example, if you need to shop Germany only in German, enter the keys in Google Translate and translate them into German.

As a result, to search for a German store, we need to enter

shop+ bezahlen mit Visa+weltweit

Of course, in this case, you will also get shops with translation, but in the general list you will also find the ones you are looking for without translation.

We can also contact the shop's technical support beforehand and introduce ourselves as an American citizen, for example, and ask if I can use your help (shop) to make a purchase/send a gift to my friend / brother/son in the country you need.

That's all, just experiment with the queries and you'll be fine.