How to find your calling, favorite job or your business?


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Only by moving in the right direction and doing your favorite thing, you will always be full of energy and inspiration, you will enjoy and enjoy life.

Each of us sooner or later faces the question: "What do I want to do in this life and what is my vocation?" Someone begins to think about this issue from the age of 12, and someone pays attention to it only after 40. But no matter how old you are, it is never too late to change your life for the better.

So. This article will contain a minimum of philosophy and a maximum of practical recommendations and exercises. Therefore, if you really, and not just in words, want to do only what you love in life, then take paper, a pen and get down to business!

Write down at least 30 points of what you enjoy doing in life on paper. Write as much as possible. These activities should give you energy and inspiration. You don't have to be limited to 30 points.

Now cross out those activities that you would not want to do professionally and that you do from time to time and only according to your mood.

You should have about 10-15 points left.

Cross out a few more points that you would not want to do all your life.

Write down at least 10 of your strengths, abilities, skills. What are you better than others? What do you know better than others? What qualities, abilities and knowledge are you proud of?

Now, reread your list of your favorite activities and strengths and write down which activities you think you can use them in. Write down at least 5 ways you can use your strengths at work.

So, you have written down 5 options for applying your talents in practice. Think about which work option (maybe 2 or 3 options) you find the most realistic and inspiring.

Do you think you could be the best person in this field? If not, why not? If you do what you do better than others, you will never be worried about the problem of competition.

Now imagine that you have a lot of money. You have visited all the countries of the world, you have everything you want, you have tried all possible entertainment. What will you do now? Not for money, but for the soul? Write down at least 5 options.

What is stopping you from doing this today, or at least starting to move towards achieving these goals? Does the activity you recorded here match up with your earlier work option? If not, why not?

Only by moving in the right direction and doing your favorite thing, you will always be full of energy and inspiration, you will enjoy and enjoy life. And, having determined your calling and moving in this direction, you simply doom yourself to prosperity and abundance. Why, you ask?

And to which, for example, hairdresser would you go with great pleasure? In addition, the one who sits at work from 9 to 18, hates his job and dreams of only one thing, so that today there are fewer clients and, accordingly, work. Who curses the day when he picked up the scissors and decided on the first haircut.

Or you will go to a hairdresser who only lives in the world of hairstyles, constantly talks about it, adores his job and is truly a professional in his field, who follows fashion trends and puts his whole soul into the work. Which hairdresser do you think will have more clients and, accordingly, more income?

Think about whether you want to develop in the direction where you are currently working? If not, why are you wasting your precious time moving in the opposite direction from your happiness and success? How can there be any excuses in this case?

Start making yourself happy today.


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If your business does not bring you the desired results, if failures follow you over and over again, this means only one thing - you have left your "White Line" and delved into the black areas of mistakes. And the deeper you go there, the harder and harder it will be for you. Failures, losses and troubles will begin to descend on you more and more. ???

Finally, unable to withstand the increasing pressure, you will be forced to turn in the opposite direction. Unknowingly, simply because otherwise you will die or leave the business world forever.

As you go back to the light, things will go better for you, there will be less troubles, and when you completely get out of the darkness and find yourself in your "White Strip" again, everything will finally fall into place and return to normal! ?