How not to become a mammoth? Relevant for everyone!


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Before reading, be sure to read the disclaimer, since ignorance of it does not absolve you from liability: link. The material can be immediately removed in case of copyright infringement at the request of the present copyright holder. Salute my street children, this is a small informative post for you, in which I will tell you: "how not to become a mammoth, even if you are the most inveterate scammer."

Get to the point
Because of this post, with a high degree of probability, I will lose a lot of advertisers. I thought for a long time whether to write this post or not, and came to the conclusion that I simply must write it. Most likely, you have already begun to notice that at the moment all advertising comes out with the "#Advertise" and "#ADVERTISING" dies, it is about them and their differences that I want to talk to you about.

Let's get started
►All content that comes out with a "#Advertising" bar is a regular advertisement, which you should be careful about, since I can not guarantee the honesty of my advertisers.

►Everything that comes out with the "#ADVERTISING" plate - you should take it with the utmost distrust and caution, if the content received such a plate, this means that with a high degree of probability you can be deceived.

Tips for members:
● If you switched from advertising to any resource, be it a shop or a scam team, I recommend asking the TS for topics on the forums, and then check for positive reviews about the TS you are going to work with or buy something from.

● Before interacting with any promoted resource, be it some kind of parser or a scam command, do not be lazy and type in Google such a request - resource login + telemetr. Example: @Blablacarcorporation_bot telemetr.


As you can see, the resource that I checked is not honest and throws its workers to the dump.

● If the advertised resource that received any of the dice provides services or sells something, be sure to insist on a guarantor when buying! I will not recommend guarantors, use those you trust. After all, as you know from the old folk wisdom, "a miser pays twice", do not regret 5% of the amount for the guarantor, it is better to lose 5% than the entire cost of the service or product you purchase.

♦ Probably you ask me: Why the fuck are you writing this if you simply can not advertise what you don’t trust?”.
I will answer briefly: if I do not advertise those resources that I do not trust, then I will not advertise anything in general. Without financial support, I will have creative and moral burnout, as a result of which I will simply stop running the channel. That's all for me, thanks to all those who have read to the end, you can express your opinion in the comments under this post.