✊ How can a carder get out of personal stagnation?


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From time to time, dead wood overtakes us in the mornings: work is annoying, inspiration does not visit, and acquaintances are twisting at their temples, believing that you are “mad with fat”. This is roughly what personal stagnation looks like.

Faced with it, it is important not to suffer and not to complain, but to act, rushing forward. And in this regard, we offer you a small step-by-step guide from specific actions:

Step One: Realizing that you are stuck is the first step towards breaking out of stagnation.
There is no need to run, suffer, reproach yourself. Just realize and accept - it's fixable. As soon as the brain receives a "picture" of the unsettling situation, it will start working in the mode of searching for solutions.

Step two: rethink.
You will have to reconsider your passions: what you loved, what you hated, and then compare this with your current state. A list of your goals, dreams, desires will help - or rather, adding something new to it. Don't think about how to implement it. At first, intelligible formulations are enough.

Step three: study.
Prophylactic stagnation infusion - new information. Start reading books that you "didn’t reach". Discover new and interesting personalities. And most importantly: ask more non-standard questions that will force you to look for new information. Search and craving for new things will breathe a second wind into you.

Step four: your approach.
So, you began to strive for something new, determined your goals and breathed fresh sparks into yourself. Next mission: bringing these ideas to life. This should be done in a special way - as it is convenient for you, and not by the book or coach that inspired you. Serious success in your endeavors awaits you only when you do not imitate, but bring something special into the matter - a part of yourself.

Step five: support.
Stagnation is a quagmire. And if you can't get out on your own, you can turn to friends or relatives for help. Sometimes the other person is able to put everything in its place with just one phrase. This is the plus of interpersonal relationships - not to use it, at least it is unreasonable.

Life is too short to spend a lot of time stagnating. Well-being is everyone's personal choice. Someone strives for it, and someone stands still only dreaming. To drown in a quagmire, or to get out to the top is everyone's personal choice. And we hope that the second is closer to you.