Gifts for the little ones


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Today we will talk about gifts. We'll start with the theory, of course. Well, what did you want? It is worth noting that the focus in this article will be on e-gift, and most of the information will be written about it.


What is a gift? Operating principle.​

A gift is the same as a gift certificate, only you can use it in an online store. It is most often delivered to your email address.

Why is this necessary?

For example,Petya's birthday is coming up and Vasya decided to give Petya a present. Vasya does not know what to give Petya and gives him a gift certificate, with which Petya buys what he sees fit.

There are offline gifts,we will not dwell on them in detail in this article,I will just say that they are quite similar to a regular bank card, often have a magnetic stripe and even passwords, and online gifts, respectively, those that can be bought in an online store.

There are two types of gifts for carders:
Liquid - those that are difficult to drive in, but they merge quickly and for a good percentage,50-70%.One such example is Amazon's gift, PSN, and so on,
Illiquid - those that are already easier to drive in, but they are not as valuable as liquid, and it is much more difficult to merge them, leaving an average of 20-40%.

Problems at work​

Well, it can't be that simple.Gifts also have their own problems.
  • Gifts have long been regarded as a High-Risk product by stores.
This means that gifts are checked several times more than regular products before being sent to the buyer's email address.
Conditionally, we take:
Teddy bear - $ 100-has 2-3 checks before sending
the Gift to the buyer for$ 100-has 5-6 checks, the ability to withdraw the gift, the ability to place an order for manual verification, and other tricks from evil uncle carders.
  • Gifts can be revoked.
This often happens at the moment when the opezdol on KH managed to call the bank after a gift fell on our mail.The store just resets it and that's it.This gift doesn't have any more value.I note that the practice is more common for large stores in the spirit of Amazon, Wallmart, etc. Small stores may simply not have this.
  • Gifts may require a callback.
It is not uncommon for a shop to force you to call and confirm that you are a cardholder and you want to buy a gift card for$150 right now. Quite a hemorrhoid process, rarely anyone steams up and gives gifts to the caller, but there are still some.Recently, calls are required more and more often.
  • Antifraud is able to compare the sender's and recipient's emails for social rating.
Antifraud can analyze when mail was created, which social networks were registered on it,how often it is used, looks at the presence of the name and domain of the mail itself, and many other things. The most trusted corporate offices are those with a high rating.There is a free sale,I will not advise anyone anything.If you really want to,you can find it.
  • Antifraud knows how to shoot bad numbers(virtual,one-day calls).
Antifraud really likes real numbers.I don't know why this is the case,or how the number detection algorithm works,but if you enter a real USA number,you will look better in the eyes of an anti-fraudster.

Nuances in the work and small additions​

Gifts fly well when the holidays are on the nose and there are a lot of orders, antifraud slightly reduces the pace and skips orders with a higher probability.

When working with illiquid, you can equalize profit at the same level as liquid. This is achieved due to the fact that illiquid gifts are easier to drive in large amounts. For a conditional liquid gift of $100, which is difficult to drive in, you get $ 70, and for an illiquid gift, driven in for 250 bucks, you get the same $70. Something like this.

You can run gifts in parallel. You can keep many accounts warm at the same time. If you use the right approach,you get a good job, during which you constantly have income.


I can't know what direction you are going to work in, liquid or illiquid, but I will give you general advice - fine-tune the system. If you try to drive with a dolphin and a fucking sock, you'll go fuck yourself. With gifts, such things are not rolled. Adjust to the time zone, choose a sock as close as possible to the cardholder, the usual sock under the ZIP will not be enough, do not skimp on good consumables like korppocht. Try to use real hardware in your work,not antiki and so on. Don't forget to warm up:do not be too lazy to register for Facebook, gmail and other services under cardholder, build up cookies, Google questions in the spirit of: "birthday gift ideas", "birthday present for a friend", do not forget what is happening in the world,for example, if the new year is coming soon, do not be lazy to Google "new year present", "christmas present", walk around the sites, earn cookies,pretend that you really want to give something. Throw products in the basket and throw them out after a while, pretend that you are not sure of the choice and do not know what to give. Try to reach gifts through products, and not through search, so you will be invisible to anti-fraud. Pretend as if you really need to give something, in a word. Remember that fraud is extremely changeable, it has its own calculations and statistics. For example, if all recent gifts are purchased only from gmail emails and there are a lot of refunds,the fraud will be tougher on gmail emails. Do not repeat yourself, regay different mail addresses,different countries, let the mail lie down,it does not hurt to register a couple of services to the mail and voila-this is no longer a fresh registered mail, but a mail that is really used. Also, do not forget about the general rules of typing, such as entering information with your hands, and other things.

Experiment, look for shops, don't be afraid to try, then everything will be fine for you. Good luck to all!