Europol hacked: secret agency documents found online


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The crime fighter himself became a victim of hackers.

The IntelBroker attacker claims that he managed to steal official documents of the Europol EPE platform containing confidential information.

Europol confirmed the hacking of the Europol Platform for Experts (EPE) portal, designed to share knowledge and techniques between experts in the field of law enforcement. Europol noted that the hack affected only a" closed group of users " of EPE and did not affect the agency's main systems, as well as operational data.

At the moment, the EPE website is not functioning and displays a maintenance message. Meanwhile, the IntelBroker attacker responsible for the data leak said that it has access to information about alliance employees, intelligence information, as well as source code and various FOUO documents of the EC3 SPACE platform, intended for more than 6,000 accredited cybercrime experts from around the world.


IntelBroker announcement of Europol data sale

IntelBroker also announced access to the SIRIUS platform, which is used by judicial and law enforcement agencies from 47 countries, including EU member states, the United Kingdom, and countries with cooperation agreements with Eurojust and the European Prosecutor's Office. SIRIUS is used to access cross-border electronic evidence in criminal investigations.

IntelBroker also published screenshots of the EPE interface and a small sample from the EC3 SPACE database containing allegedly personal data of 9,128 law enforcement officers and cybercrime experts. In a message on the hacker forum, the attacker indicated that he was waiting for price offers only in the Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency and that he was selling data "only to verified participants."

Since its introduction to the hacking community in October 2022, IntelBroker has become best known for selling data to the US government and military, hacking into the insurance company DC Health Link, which led to congressional hearings after it exposed the personal data of members and employees of the US House of Representatives.

Another case related to IntelBroker is the hacking of General Electric, in which the hacker stole information about DARPA's military projects, including SQL files, technical documents and strategic reports. Facebook Marketplace, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) are also victims of the hacker.