Employees of the metropolitan police detained alleged accomplices of fraudsters who helped steal 20 million rubles


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Operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Zelenograd Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow detained four residents of the capital region. They are accused of helping phone fraudsters.

It was previously established that last year a resident of Zelenograd received a number of phone calls. The callers identified themselves as employees of financial and law enforcement agencies. According to them, unknown persons issued a loan in the name of the citizen. In this regard, she must withdraw all her savings from the account, make several loans on her own and send all the money to the so-called reserve account. The misled woman fulfilled all these requirements and transferred a total of 20 million rubles to the bank details specified by the attackers. When the victim realized that she had encountered fraudsters – she turned to the police.

"As a result of operational search activities, criminal investigation operatives with the support of Rosgvardiya employees detained the attackers. According to investigators, they received the stolen money on bank cards, cashed them out, and, keeping a certain amount, sent the stolen money to the organizers of the criminal scheme. Bank and SIM cards, computer equipment, communications equipment, electronic data carriers and other items of evidentiary value were found and seized at their places of residence.

An investigator of the Investigation Department of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Zelenograd Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow is investigating a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In relation to one of the defendants, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of remand in custody. Three of them pleaded guilty and partially compensated for the damage, they are under house arrest.

Operational search measures and investigative actions are being carried out to identify all accomplices and episodes of illegal activities," said Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Interior Ministry.

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