Carding from ios devices - a complete setup


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What I have compiled seems like enough to work with, although I would like some input. Please let me know what you think.
1) Acquire ios device and disable camera, microphone, location services etc. and put into airplane mode.
2) Create random apple ID (obviously) and download your vpn.
3) This is pretty much it on the set up then you check your system and make sure the vpn is working.
4) After getting your hands on some cc, adjust the location and date and time in settings following with vpn to the same region. You check with
5) Assuming you have already made credentials for your alias, you finally go to settings and adjust your proxy settings as close as possible to the address associated.
6) After so, youre finally ready to use whatever method in mind, using safari or an application.
Never work from home or your own area. Never keep the phone on when not in use.

With all this being said, a few questions maybe someone could help with.
1) How do you clean your system after driving?
2) This seems very primitive, are there better methods / programs for setting up your phone?
3) I assume jailbreaking the device defeats the purpose of carding with ios vs android, and also increases risk greatly, but whats your take on it?

Let me know what you guys think and what you would improve