Carding: Enroll and Reroll


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Something has not touched on the topic of carding for a long time, but it is she who is of the greatest interest. Today I will tell you what enroll is, how to make and sell it.

To begin with, for those who are not aware of what is happening here, I advise you to read this article - "How to become a carder"

What is Enroll / Reroll
a) Enroll is an online access to the data of our credit / debit card, which we, for example, bought. What can we do with such access?

Most often this is a standard layout - viewing the balance, viewing minis, changing the address, phone and email to your own.

Enroll is like the main access to the website of our bank. That is, before us, the holder (owner) of our purchased card did not have such access, he simply did not register it.

b) Reroll is a restored online access to the card, that is, the holder has already registered the access and we just restored it and changed the username and password.

c) A very important and often exciting moment for many is the balance of the card, one column is responsible for the balance on the card, which we should look at with you, this is Available credit: (here is the amount of funds available to us). BALANCE is the holder's debt to the bank.

"Survivability" of videos and change of billing address
a) After the purchase, many people write to me, "I took the video, stuck it wherever I could, I seemed to change the address and decided to drive it in right away, drove it into 3 shops and everywhere there is a declline, before that I checked it with my checker, which I was at 90 -x adjusted".

To begin with, the roller (along with the card) is a very delicate thing that loves accuracy and timely execution of all actions.

All commercials for sale usually come with a tunnel or grandfather, on which they were uploaded, for example, together with the video we were given a tunnel, we connect to this tenel and go to the bank's website, enter the data from the video and get inside, see that everything matches description of the seller and leave. We let her lie down, I know that many people give her 24 hours to rest before changing the address.

b) After we have waited, we log into the video again and go, as a rule, into the settings, there it can be written simply adress, billing adress, mailing adress, etc. (depending on the bank), but the essence is the same.

It is not necessary to take the address located in the state of the holder of our card. We can take both the drop address and the middle address.

We enter it and press sumbit, okay, yes, etc. We are considering changing the address at one of the public banks - credit one (the billing address is changed within 2-3 BUSINESS days, the weekend does not count).

Then you can spam the holder's mail to increase the% life of the roll, but personally I never do that.

We leave and after that we just wait, I wait 3 days and on the 4th I already use the roller for my needs.

You don't need to hit it anywhere right after changing the address, you don't need to check it with your super private checkers, you don't need to make unnecessary movements in the roll. All this is fraught with the "death" of the card and the very access to online.

"Death or Life" after change of address
a) Let's say you have successfully changed the address on the video and you are determined to drive yourself something fatter. I will say right away, throw these ideas into ebay, amazon, apple, etc., firstly, these shops are impassable giants for our deshman videos and mega-tuned systems. Secondly, we don't need them, we don't need them at all, all of ours are small and puny shops with illiquid goods, be they guitars or even clothes ... some money. No need to chase MacBooks and iPhones. Start small.

b) If, nevertheless, you did everything correctly, and the roller died anyway, then this also happens and quite often, it was simply unlucky, the holder burned and reissued the card. As for detecting suspicious activity from the bank itself, this happens but rarely.

But if you do not know how to drive in (although you tell everyone that you have driven super), then you can just sell rolls. Enroll costs approximately $ 10-15. Average selling price $ 40-60. Not a million, of course, but first of all, you will make a couple of videos a day. If you do it nonstop, then in four days the first ones can already be sold. So you can raise $ 50 a day. For one and fill your hand. And most importantly, you will get acquainted with the real hammers. Learn. Then you yourself will start to drive in. And this is already normal and permanent bread.

I will say this to myself: now I go to the store, I see a phone for 45,000 and I understand that I only need $ 50 for the video and another 50 drops for the transfer. And I don't want to pay the store anymore. Hotel in Thailand for $ 100 luxury for a week. Do you feel the difference?

P.S. Don't forget about safety. Never!