Carding Brutus eBay


Reaction score
Hello to all carders, today we will analyze brute ebay and talk about the relevance of various brutus ?

Let's divide everything into the following parts:
1) System setup
2) Accounts (brute)
3) Carding methods

System Setup
Why work in this (and not only) direction?
? Double ssh tunnel manager + android phone
? Virta vector + proxyfair

Let's analyze the first method. We need the Double ssh tunnel manager program, which is posted on our forum +Android phone. For example, it will be Samsung S4.

Take simple phones, S7 will do too. Next, we do the following, all your traffic is routed through this program. How to do it -

Further, if there are problems with dns:


Double SSH Tunnel Manager - adjustment for DNS provider SSH Socks5
There is an even better way - this is to flash your Wi-Fi. This service is provided on vvh. This service is paid, but it is the top 1 solution for driving (not only brute ebay)

After setting double the ssh, proceed to customize our Android.
Read this article on configuring android. We work through the ebay application, although it fires a kilometer, but still for some reason it gives. Who wants to see how the application ebay fills everything - put a sniffer.

Now let's look at the second method.

We need a virtual machine from a vector. You can find it here -
How to install it and so on is also on this channel. Better than him, no one will tell you anything.
Next, install proxyfire to work with socks5 on your pc and throw the bridge to the virtual machine. Google will help you to do this, if you are not able to do this, then you should not engage in carding.
With this setting, I advise you to work on Ebay + PP.
Work through Google Chrome + User Agent Switcher. Add new user agents to it and you will be happy.

Ebay accounts
A lot depends on the brute itself, so I recommend brute-force yourself.

Account example:
[email protected]:Jaidis01 / UserID: joycelollar / FeedbackScore: 5 / Country: United States / City: akron, oh / Street: 2110 copley rd / Zip: 44320-1522 / Phone: 3303288707 / Credit Card: Not found / PayPal: [email protected] / PayPal Account: Not Specified / Automatic payment - Not found / Backup payment - Not found / Reimbursement payment - Not Specified / Seller: Yes / Orders in the last 60 days:  [Mar 27, 2018|polo ralph lauren teddy bear pillow sham|US $30.00|Delivered on Apr 02, 2018] / Last Sessions:  [Apr 23, 2018 11:41 PM|Windows (Edge)|Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India] [Apr 2, 2018 10:18 AM|Android (app)|Not available] [Mar 27, 2018 6:11 AM|Not available|Detroit, Michigan, United States] /  / РџСЂРѕРєСЃРё -

The best feedbacks are up to 200, the less the owner makes purchases, the less they generally follow their account. Therefore, there is an increased chance that your item will be shipped. Where and what is located, I will not explain.

With such a log, you can see if the application is installed or not. If not, then this is +. Then I advise you to beat from the application and the Android.

At the moment, I can highlight the following shops: - from here acc.

Carding methods

We have accounts and a customized system

1) Select a Seller with up to 500 feedback. Feedback is listed under *Seller information*


2) If we work with ebay + CC, no matter where. We change the address immediately in the ebay settings. Change the primary address, don't add a new one !!!
We leave the name and surname the same if your middle / stingy accepts for any names. Phone number, change 1 digit.
It is best to choose Fast N Free shipping.


3) If we work with ebey + PP, then it is not unambiguous. Sometimes I add a product to the cart, then change the address after the checkout. Changing the primary address!
Sometimes I change it right away, it's better to change it right away from a virtual machine.
This is what the primary address looks like. Click change and change.


4) Reroute / pickup / SE. You can drive in the goods on cardholder, then turn to dial-up (only on USA and Fedex) so that he will ring the courier and change the address to the one you need. Or contact a pickup service so that they call, freeze and pick up the goods. Or, simply use SE and, having written to the seller by mail, change the address.
Best suited for a reroute or a pickup are brute ebay + CC accounts (only USA). My opinion on a redout or an ebay pickup is bad. Find shops or work with Brutus Valmart, Bestby and so on.
After driving in, we hide the product with the hide button in the upper right corner, in the section where all your products that you ordered are shown. Change mail and password for your account - optional.
If your account is lost and you need to get a track -

If the goods do not give liquidity, try illiquid stock. This happens very often.
Thank you for your attention ?Share this tutorial with others.

Good luck ?