Accused of remote fraud sent to the dock in Krasnodar


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The investigative department of the Krasnodar Department of Internal Affairs has completed the investigation of a criminal case initiated against a 25-year-old resident of Novosibirsk, who was previously convicted of drug trafficking and theft, on the grounds of crimes under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code "Fraud".

According to the investigation, unidentified persons, the criminal case against whom was separated into a separate proceeding, called citizens and, posing first as employees of the bank's security service, and then as law enforcement officers, reported false information about fraudsters attempts to steal their savings. After that, the scammers, under the pretext of ensuring the security of savings, convinced the victims to transfer money to supposedly secure accounts.

The investigation established that the accused played the role of a cashier in this criminal scheme. For ten months, the man and four of his accomplices, the criminal case against whom has already been investigated and sent to the court, cashed out money stolen from citizens through ATMs, kept part of the amount for themselves, and deposited the rest to the accounts indicated by the scammers. As a result of illegal activities of malefactors, the total amount of damage to nine victims amounted to more than 12 million rubles.

Currently, the materials of the criminal case with the approved indictment have been sent to the court for consideration on the merits. The sanctions of the incriminated article provide for a maximum penalty of up to ten years imprisonment.