A stuff carding? Yes!


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Tired of buying expensive items for a full price? Do you want to buy top-end clothes for pennies, while others save up for them for months? Do you want to try your hand at carding, but don't know which direction to choose? Stuff carding is your choice.
Good day, bandits! We live in the material world and people perceive and characterize each other accordingly. As they say, "meet on clothes.." That is why in today's article we will analyze this direction in detail and show you why it is with things that you need to start your journey in carding.

The perfect destination for beginners​

Stuff carding is the direction that you can safely advise beginners to start in the topic of earning the first serious money. In most cases, beginners due to inexperience immediately begin to dive into much more complex things, such as booking, sticks (especially when she has "monthly periods"), ba, and so on. The result is failure, loss of money, time, motivation, and shouting that carding is dead.

But first you should try something basic.
When working with things, you will have a range of options to choose what to work with and what to drive in. Some of the ways of working are more relevant at the moment, some go into the sunset slowly.

If you want, beat ebay and amazon from the logs to buyer. If you want, work with the Walmart brutus. Or find shops with a direct spike to your country without intermediaries and punch them with SS. There are plenty of options — all roads are open in front of you.

Stuff carding is not just about electronics and liquid​

There is a common myth that to make good money in clothing carding, you need to beat electronics and other liquid. We hasten to please you, this is far from the case. Experienced staffers will not let you lie: it is easier to drive in 10 pairs of branded sneakers and sell them in your country for a conditional 50k, than to fool around with driving in one unfortunate iPhone and suffer from child fraud, constant cancellations, ringing calls, problems with customs, and so on.

In any new business, you need to start small: first of all, get into the sauce, get yourself a couple of clothes, fill your wardrobe. Then try to drive things on skupa for % or ship them to your country for sale. Did you fill your hand? You can try the liquid stuff, only by that time you yourself realize that with the proper approach, you can earn much more on ordinary clothes without unnecessary hemorrhoids than on liquid.

Some people paint themselves an oil painting: here I will learn to card and I will beat iPhones, laptops, and so on in packs. And then they face the harsh reality and once again arrange a funeral for Carding. Don't be like that. Start small.

A huge number of manuals, a large community and support​


Duffel carding is one of the oldest trends in our field. Many people started with it, which is why you can find a huge number of manuals, articles and tips on this topic on the web. Most people only deal with things, so you can always find support in case of problems.

Just compare the size of the community of clothing companies with those who, for example, work on gifts, booking, bank accounts, bookmakers and other narrow areas.
Try to find at least one more or less clear article on booking, or a couple of normal ones on gifts. It doesn't work?) That's the same thing. The community in these areas is not so large and usually very closed, so you are unlikely to find normal materials in the public on these topics.

Large number of shops​


There is no point in painting something for a long time. There are the most physical stores on the Internet. Hundreds of shops open every day, if not thousands. Jerked off one and it stopped giving? It doesn't matter, in place of this shop will come a dozen more new ones, it remains only to find them :)

Aesthetic pleasure and change of consciousness​

Do you like receiving gifts? Do you enjoy unpacking packages ordered from the Internet? Then duffel carding is your choice!

It's one thing when you drive in a gift, throw it to the buyer, get money and see the numbers on the screen. It's completely different when you get a huge pack of clothes in the mail, come home and unpack it like a small child and get a storm of emotions. We humans are designed in such a way that we like material things more than virtual ones. Something to touch, taste, and even smell. This is our nature (which is why they usually get fucked with a thick wad of cash, not screenshots from e-wallets or bank accounts).

Stuffers will not let you lie: the pleasure of getting the first packs can not be compared with anything.


As for the change in consciousness, it's simple to the point of banality: think of that guy in a Gucci T-shirt who rides the same bus with you every morning to work or school. You realize he's been saving up for this T-shirt for months, MONTHS KARL! And there are thousands of such examples. People take out loans for a new iPhone, get into debt, and borrow for new sneakers.

Now imagine that you can get all this for minimal money. There will be no concept of "expensive clothes"for you. You will be able to dress and walk in whatever you want, without any restrictions.

There's some quick money here​

Do not want to worry about delivery, drops, customs and receiving parcels? Not a problem! You can beat things directly to the skupa for a certain % and get money in the shortest possible time.

Don't think that scoops only need liquid (iPhones, macbooks, watches, etc.). You can easily beat anything you want and get a good %: starting with sneakers, ending with toilet lids and equipment for snowboarders. There are a lot of options, you just need to show your imagination and find a miser for your specific staff, which in the current reality is not so difficult to do

Remember, if something is being sold, it means they are buying it, and it means they are buying it! What at first glance may seem completely useless and unnecessary to you personally, in fact carries value for other people. You just need to find the necessary contacts and sales channels.