
  1. Father

    2023: a year of record-breaking cyber breaches and data gone wrong

    Positive Technologies: Information leakage was one of the main challenges for organizations last year. Last year 2023 was marked by an increase in the number of successful attacks on organizations around the world: Compared to 2022, their share increased by 18 percentage points.This was due to...
  2. Father

    Pentagon sparks cyber War: China exposes US Lies about Volt Typhoon

    Volt Typhoon is a U.S. program to influence the global community. China denies US accusations against the Chinese group Volt Typhoon, which calls it a government-sponsored group. China's National Computer Virus Response Center (CNCERT), in a new report, claims that the US campaign is part of a...
  3. Father

    Sim cards, microloans and arrests: Tver students arranged a cyber-scam for 900 thousand rubles

    There are more than 100 victims of fraudsters actions. In Tver, the activities of a group of young Internet scammers consisting of seven local college students aged 19 to 21 were stopped. Employees of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, together...
  4. Teacher

    In St. Petersburg, a suspect of at least 70 cyber frauds was detained

    Police officers of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, as a result of a complex of operational search measures, detained a 20-year-old student of an electrotechnical college in Chelyabinsk. He is suspected of embezzling...
  5. Carding

    ATMs are vulnerable to cyber attacks

    Almost any ATM today can be hacked fairly easily by cybercriminals using malware, and sometimes even without it. And all because of the outdated software used in ATMs, errors in network settings and the lack of basic physical protection of important components of these machines. These...