carding for beginners

  1. Svddvm

    got CC's but NOTHING HITS!

    Hi guys, Tried many times with a CC that is alive (works with ubereats) did everything clean 922proxy near the home adress cleaned cookies +LTE but nothing hits I don't know why can someone explain me what I did wrong? Maybe it's my pc the user data says Mozilla agent/Android 13/Safari 517 (...
  2. BigBeast

    US Unemployment Benefits Guide 2023

    Step-by-step structure for applying for UI (unemployment benefits) Unemployment benefits are filed by US citizens who are currently unemployed. To receive a payment, a person must: 1) Work more than 680 hours in the last 18 months, the more work and higher education - the greater the payout...
  3. J

    Help in carding

    I have been carding for almost a year, i have had some sucess due to luck perhaps but i have lost more than gained. I am carding in the EU and the tools are use for my carding is phone with 4g it has worked sometimes but the problem with that is i want to increase my chance for sucess with...
  4. Mutt

    About carding for beginners

    Drops Drop - the person to whose address you make a shipp. Personally, I advise you to resort to the services of a drop, in the event that the shop does not send to your country, now there are few shops that send, for example, to your country, in which case carders are looking for drops, for...