
  1. Father

    Mining under the guise of protection: how eScan antivirus is used to infect companies

    Corporate networks have fallen victim to new methods of attacks by North Korean hackers. North Korean hackers used the eScan antivirus update mechanism to place bookmarks in corporate networks and distribute cryptocurrency miners using the GuptiMiner malware. The Avast reports that the...
  2. Father

    From USB to WSF: Raspberry Robin evolved to outsmart any antivirus

    A lot of tricks have been added to the malware's portfolio since 2021. Researchers have discovered a new large-scale attack using the Raspberry Robin malware. Since March 2024, attackers have been actively distributing it using modified Windows Script Files(WSF). As noted by HP Wolf Security...
  3. BigBeast

    Useful resources for pentesters and hackers

    Hacking manuals: ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️
  4. Lord777

    Where to download viruses to study and check antivirus

    Usually we don't look for viruses, they find us themselves. But there are those who need viruses, and even those who collect these viruses. In today's article I will tell you about such people and about how to create a harmless virus to test protection tools, and about where to download viruses...
  5. Lord777

    How antivirus programs work

    Discussions about whether antiviruses are necessary or completely useless have not subsided since the advent of the antivirus applications themselves. Approximately the same amount of time is spent in the ongoing struggle between virus makers and security software manufacturers: some are...
  6. Carding 4 Carders

    Getting started with Botting

    Programming Languages Picking up future languages will become easier. Python Platforms: Windows/macOS/Linux Difficulty: Easy Pros: - Easy to learn - Batteries included - Cross platform - Great for command line programs Cons: - Slow (but usually good enough) - Being easy encourages bad...
  7. Forum Library

    Avira + keygen до 2011-го сетуп файл в папке - /basic/