Carding CC, the basics.


Reaction score
This article will be like an Alma Mater for beginners, so sit back and read the following information carefully.
We will analyze everything in order from A to Z and we will start with the first acquaintance of the shop with YOU. Basic information applies only to clothing carding and work in the USA.

System Definition:
As soon as you click on the link to the site, antifraud immediately scans the indicators of your hardware, the main ones are:

UserAgent - a client application that uses a specific network protocol (for more information, see Wikipedia).

Browser + its version

System Language + Keyboard layout language

Color Depth
- The color depth of the monitor.

Screen Resolution - The screen resolution

Timezone - Time Zone

Is the session saved in the browser

CPU class

Iron platform (for more information, see Wikipedia)

Is DoNotTrack enabled or not

A complete list of installed fonts (maintaining their order, which
increases entropy) implemented using Flash.

List of installed fonts detected using JS / CSS
(side channel method) - can detect up to 500 installed
fonts without flash memory

Print (also known as fingerprint) Canvas

WebGL Fingerprint

Are there any plugins and addons installed, and if so, which ones

Is AdBlock worth it or not

Touch screen detection and features

Pixel Ratio - The pixel ratio

The source from which you came to the site is also important, as the link itself is often marked with utm tags. In other words, a direct click from google by the site name does not
give you any privileges.You will appreciate a click on the search query for a certain product or a click from sites with coupons to this store.

IP Address:
An important indicator for anti-fraud is your ip and dns addresses, the presence of ip in the black lists, your ping, proxy score, risk score (from maxmind).

Proxy Score — probability of using a proxy

Risk Score is an indicator of the number of fraudulent transactions from a given IP address.

The lower these indicators are and the cleaner your IP address is, the less
fraud points you get.

But again, it depends on what you're working with. If you plan to work with a PayPal: logs, self-registers, brutus..., then blacklists, for example, do not play any role.
The geolocation of the IP address also does not affect it. It affects the quality and naturalness of the system.

Warming Up the Shop:
All but the most leaky shops use cookies, and this also affects the success of the drive-in. For example, you have 50+ search results for a Microwave oven in your cookies, but you go to amazon to order the latest iPhone model. This order will be subject to increased antifraud. If you search for the same microwave oven, then the loyalty of the antifraud to you will be higher.
Before driving in, you need to warm up the shop (fill in cookies), imitate the usual actions of the buyer, for example: climb through the categories of interest, search for the product you need from different manufacturers, read reviews for each product and leave feedback about them whether the review was useful or not, compare the characteristics of several products, read the rules and privacy policy of the site, if possible, chat in the chat and scroll through the faq, and you should do the last actions after you have filled the cookies with the search for the product you need.
After we have warmed up the shop for 15-60 minutes (depending on the antifraud shop, respectively), we either let the account lie down by saving all cookies and go in 3-4 hours or 2-3 days to make an order, or proceed to the order immediately (depending on the amount of drive-in + complexity of the antifraud).
Large stores like amazon also look at the account registration date and purchase history. Therefore, the probability of immediately driving in an expensive product is close to 0. (brutus without warming up..)

The Embedding Process:
As soon as we have warmed up the shop and decided on the product that we will order, go to the checkout page and register on it (preferably if we drive in later) or continue as a "guest".
We enter our billing and shipping addresses and then select the payment whether it is CC (Credit Card) or stick (Paypal) and make the payment.

Now let's figure out what the antifraud is firing at on the checkout page: 1. The distance between billing and shipping addresses. The longer the distance — the more fraud points.

2. Shipping differs from Billing - there are shops that do not send to a different address from billing and your order is automatically canceled. If it ships (Shipping preparation for shipment), then the distance between addresses is taken into account, that is, if you are hitting from New York to Los Angeles, then most likely such a package will be canceled or the caller will have to invent a story. This all applies to working in the USA, but the EU rules are different.

3. Order amount (each shop has its own average check, which is the norm)

4. Number of positions.

5. Liquid goods and popular sizes, colors — that is, if we order XXL size underpants from Sale, then there will be no anti-fraud points, and if we order a L-size jacket from the BESTSELLING category, then it is clear that they will be there. But these are already small things and far from the main reason for the success/failure of the drive-in.

6. The number of attempts of a successful transaction — that is, if you entered 10 cards in a row and you did not complete the transaction-you are awarded fraud points accordingly.

7. Your email domain. You need to use the mailbox of the same country as the shop, or use gmail. Better than the same country.

Attention! If the merch shop is with AVS, then the billing address that you entered on the site and billing on the map are checked accordingly. If you enter an email address using obscenities where AWS is not available, then antifraud will display that billing reconciliation failed . This will usually transfer the order from auto processing to manual verification, and the manager will make decisions based on the antifraud points to send the package or not.

I hope that this article turned out to be informative and useful for you!

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will respond promptly!